就是ef卡口的35 1.4 art加了个mc11转接环。。。 侧面有mf与af的快捷拨杆 正上方的对焦框也是art系列的传统了 for e-mount 可能看的不太清楚,但是后镜组在很里面,感觉就是焊了个转接环的ef口35art 遮光罩用这种阶梯形的切割来消除反光,真的比蔡司的植绒好打理多了 与iPhone X 的对比,看得出来体积还是比较...
适马(SIGMA)ART 35mm F1.4 DG HSM 全画幅 大光圈定焦镜头 人像街拍夜景(尼康单反卡口)价格是原厂的一半不到,出片不相上下,仅此一点便可称逆天之作。同一场拍摄,上下半场分别用canon5D4+35/1.4L和Nikon D850+sigma35/1.4拍摄,S35/1.4配合D850对焦更果断准确,锐利;35L成像相比偏软,但是配合佳...
SIGMA 适马 ART 35mm F1.4 DG HSM 全画幅定焦镜头,京东自营目前有佳能卡口和尼康卡口两种,售价均为4489元,现在购买还赠送 C&C EXPRO UV 67mm 超薄UV滤镜( 适用于佳能18-135,17-85,100/2.8,尼康18-105等镜头): SIGMA 适马 ART 35mm F1.4 DG HSM 全画幅定焦镜头4489元 京东自营 > 购买理由: 楼主入手的...
Sigma 35mm F1.4 ART DG HSM Lens for Sigma for Canon from Exports King Limited, a reliable and verified supplier, trader, manufacturer, vendor, distributor on HKTDC Sourcing
an enthusiast, this lens protective film is an essential accessory for your Sigma 35mm F1.4 DG HSM Art Lens. It's not just for the Canon mount; it's also compatible with a range of Sigma lenses, including the Sigma 24 70 2.8 Art, Sigma 20mm f1.4 Art, and Sigma 50mm f1.4 Art. ...
Sigma 35mm f/1,4 DG HSM Art für SIGMA SD/DP Kameras für SIGMA SA Mount Versandkostenfrei Ähnliche Produkte Alle anzeigen SIGMA 30mm F1.4 DC DN Contemporary Lens for Canon RF 369,00 € Voigtländer Nokton 21mm F1.4 for Leica M 1.299,00 € Voigtländer Nokton 21mm F1.4 for...
京东(JD.COM)为您提供适马(SIGMA)ART 35mm F1.4 DG HSM 二手单反镜头 大光圈定焦人像全画幅镜头 95新 适马 35mm f/1.4 (尼康口)、佳能/CanonEF 55-250 38 50 1.8 1.4 人像定焦二手单反镜头 佳能EF 40 F2.8 STM 黑色 9成新的详细参数信息对比,告诉您适马(SIGMA)ART 3
Sold by: 6AVE Electronics, Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC HSM Art Lens for Canon EF + 64GB SD Card BundleFree shipping, 2-5 days Available pre-owned from $774.95 Show 1 pre-owned product Newegg Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC HSM Art Lens for Canon EF + 64GB SD Ca...
Introduction As with the 35mm prime, this new model is one of the firm’s new Art series lenses challenging Canon’s L-series and the similar ED lenses from Nikon for optical quality.At first blush it could be mistaken for a full-frame lens but it is in fact designed for APS-C forma...
FOR CANON佳能 卡口 全套,简简单单 打开镜头包,娇羞的35mm就在里面~ 正主现身 黑科技现在有浓浓的蔡司风格,其实我比较喜欢这种风格,不过少了L头的一抹红圈还是略微失望的~ 对焦窗 金属的A标,看起来像贴纸似的.. 切换自动/手动对焦 打开镜头盖 装上遮光罩 ...