Sigma 35mm F1.4 DG HSM A Canon 添加到对比 DxOMark 分数 [?] 最佳表现于 f=35mm & f/2 [?] 37 镜头分数 [?] 清晰度 [?] 24 感知Mpix 透光量 [?] 1.5 TStop 畸变 [?] 0.3 % 渐晕 [?] -2 EV 色差 [?] 6 微米 Sigma 35mm F1.4 DG HSM A Canon 评测 Sigma ...
Sigma 35mm f1.4 DG HSM A Canon review: A Prime Example of Lens Design Introduction One of the sharpest lenses, mounted on Canon, ever measured by DxOMark websiteThe Sigma 35mm F1.4 scored 17 P-MPix for sharpness and an overall DxOMark score of 30.3 putting it at the top of both ...
EF-Mount Lens/Full-Frame Format Aperture Range: f/1.4 to f/16 One FLD Element, Four SLD Elements Two Aspherical Elements An optically advanced wide-angle prime, the Canon EF35mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art LensfromSigmamixes a comfortable focal length with an especially fast design. The bright f/1....
并且采用了新的镜身工艺和镀膜工艺,使得做工和光学成像能力得到了提升。而在适马新的镜头中,毫无疑问适马35 1.4是其中的佼佼者,堪称媲美Nikon、Canon万元级镜头的画质,价格不到原厂的一半,是少有的价格低、画质高的代表作品。我在这支镜头刚刚出来的时候就入了一支,用下来感觉很不错,现在某宝的价格基本都跌到了5K...
I'm thinking of buying a Sigma 35mm f/1.4 to complement a Canon 24-105mm. I am selling my 650D and 15-85 to buy a 6D and plan to use the fast prime for low light and general photography. I considered buying a Canon 40mm f/2.8 but I am concerned that the extending focusing acti...
(与之对比:Canon 35L是9组11枚, Nikon 35/1.4G(35G)是7组10枚)。 所以Sigma把这个镜头作为...
这个镜头让SONY A系统在35MM大光圈焦段面对佳能、尼康不再处于劣势。 没有这个头之前,在CANON 35L,尼康35G面前,SONY老旧的35G已经力不从心。SIGMA这只逆天镜头的发布,一下子在素质上同时超越佳能,尼康原厂。这下,由于这只副厂镜头,在35/1.4这个规格的AF镜头面前,CNS破天荒的站在了同一条起跑线上。
The Sigma AF 35-135 mm f/ 3.5-4.5 is a kit zoom lens for 35 mm SLR cameras of different systems. The lens is based on a push-pull scheme (focal length is changed by pushing or pulling the focusing ring, the lens length is changing at t
Sigma 35mm f/1.2 Art 搭配 3 枚 SLD(特殊低色散镜片),在开放光圈 f/1.2 时有轻微的紫边产生,当光圈缩到 f/2.8 的时候紫边现象几乎可完全被抑制,就算是影像边缘也没有横向色差的情况出现。若是以 Canon 新世代 RF-Mount 的 f/1.2 镜头的使用经验来比较的话,这样的色散控制表现已属上乘,毕竟 Sigma 35mm...
Sigma 24-35mm F2 DG HSM A Canon 添加到对比 DxOMark 分数 [?] 最佳表现于 f=24mm & f/2 [?] 17 镜头分数 [?] 清晰度 [?] 8 感知Mpix 透光量 [?] 2.4 TStop 畸变 [?] 0.2 % 渐晕 [?] -1.5 EV 色差 [?] 6 微米 Sigma 24-35mm F2 DG HSM A Canon 评测 ...