所属专辑:E11 Oxford Discover 1 音频列表 1 A Tree in Different Seasons 40 2022-11 2 Sight Words List3 24 2022-10 3 Sight Words List2 34 2022-10 4 Sight Words List1 54 2022-09 5 Where are the Animals' Homes? 38 2022-09
sight words lits 3 432015-05 5 sight words list 4 172015-05 6 sight words list 5 432015-05 7 we can help 462015-05 8 chicken little 232015-05 9 get the rat丽声经典故事屋 632015-05 10 lots of nuts 丽声经典故事屋 922015-05 查看更多 猜你喜欢 1612 Sight Word1 by:喵小豆521 3.8万 Si...
About this Worksheet:This sight words list gives a list of grade two words. Sight words, which are often called high frequency sight words, are commonly used words that young children are encouraged to memorise. Sight words are the basic building blocks of reading and writing. This sight words...
高频单词带音频sight_words_lv2_sounds TheSightWordPark SightWordListLevel2 1 TheSightWordPark Iike 2 TheSightWordPark ride 3 TheSightWordPark too 4 he TheSightWordPark 5 TheSightWordPark saw 6 TheSightWordPark she 7 TheSight...
sight words list全Level 1(共40个) I Ieat a banana. a Ieat a cake. can Ican make a line. see Ican see. jump Ican jump. find Ican find my shoes. my Ican find my books. and My friend and I play. play Ilike to play. go Igo to school. to We go to the park. away Go away...
能很好掌握大部分常见词的孩子,都能流利阅读,也有助于促进孩子良好的阅读理解。此外,学会sight words,还有助于帮助孩子更好的写作。 Sight words的分类 目前市面上,主要有三大分类: Dolch词汇表(Dolch Word List), Fry词汇表(Fry’s Instant Words) 以...
🌟这些Sight Words不符合自然拼读规则,因此与自然拼读相辅相成,为儿童自主英文阅读打下坚实基础。掌握所有的Sight Words,是孩子独立阅读英文书的第一步,可以大大提高他们的阅读速度和流畅度。 🌟目前市面上最主流的Sight Words列表有两个:Dolch Sight Words List,包含220个高频词和95个常用名词,涵盖了儿童读物中...
Sightwordslist英语常见字一览表 Level1(共40个) I Ieatabanana. a Ieatacake. can Icanmakealine. see Icansee. jump Icanjump. find Icanfindmyshoes. my Icanfindmybooks. and My燎多崔脖拖笆巍促密冈瑟静圈壕凤婴诅中怎滴则槐曲僵滤梧洁湛饼拨胯遵塞蔓糙素匿设殉寝滩焰驳探役瞒学串幽欺媚瘪...
sight words list全 Level 1 (共40个)I I eat a banana.a I eat a cake.can I can make a line.see I can see.jump I can jump.find I can find my shoes.my I can find my books.and My friend and I play.play I like to play.go I go to school.to We go to the park.away Go...
big My truck is big. little My cat is little. funny That is a funny pig. one One Barbie for you. for One card for you. you One wheel for you. two I have two pencils. three I have three cars. help I will help the ant.Sight words list 英语常见字一览表 英语常见字一览表1 ...