Miss Molly's Sight Word Songs 这是鹅妈妈在国外网站上淘到的,这也是一套唱sight words的视频,画风很美,大家可以体验一下。有46个sight words。文末有下载方法。 95-nouns 还有一套要分享给大家的视频是关于sight word list里面95个名词的部分。这套视频分为13个主题,每个主题一个视频。通过视频,可以理解词汇...
Sight Words包括两部分的单词:1. 不能靠拼读规律读出的单词(如Enough, right),2. 儿童读物中的高频词 (如Ran, look,这些单词符合拼读规律,而且出现频率极高)。 那么从哪里可以找到Sight Words的单词表呢?外国教育专家编撰了不同版本的Sight Words单词表。其中以Edward Dolch博士的Dolch Word List最为有名, 他总...
Sight words are commonly used words that young children are encouraged to memorize as a whole by sight, so that they can automatically recognize these words in print without having to use any strategies to decode. That is this sight word list for pre-k and kindergarten application is very use...
We’ve replaced “am” on this list as well as on the PDF file with “bread”, the correct word. We’ll also check on any affected flash cards soon and do the necessary updates as well. Cheers. Reply Sumam Jospeh June 7, 2021 This is such a lovely collection. Neatly presented....
我先是很慢,很清晰地把每个字母的音读出来“b——a——g“,然后让小人在浴缸里找到字母,贴在墙上,按照发音的顺序拼起来。等他差不多都能正确地拼出来以后,我就随便拼出一些CVC word让他自己读,这些词可以是不存在的一些CVC Nonsense Words,只要符合发音规律就可以了。
🌟 在这方面,学乐这套Sight word tales 可以说是非常专业了,在美国几乎每个学校的孩子都在用,它也是学乐在“中小学教辅”领域的代表作之一。👍在亚马逊销售榜上,Sight Word Tales 在这类书中一直名列前茅! 1、它让孩子在...
在国内,最被老师、家长推崇的是——美国著名阅读教学专家Edward Dolch 整理的Dolch Sight Word List(下...
1、Sight WordsPre-Primer ListDolch Pre-Primer Sight VocabularyafindisnotthreeandforitonetoawayfunnyjumpplaytwobiggolittleredupbluehelplookrunwecanheremakesaidwherecomeImeseeyellowdowninmytheyouSight WordSentenceSight WordSentenceaI ate a snack.lookI will look in my desk.andMy friend and I play....
Sight Words Unit 16 has sight word worksheets, word wheels, word sliders, trace-and-print printables, and assessment resources. (Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade)
Unit 21 has printable sight word worksheets, learning centers, word wheels, word sliders, and lesson ideas. Perfect for Kindergarten and First Grade students.