What is sleep deprivation and what are the side effects of staying up late to study?You can view the rating for any resource/forum response by clicking on the "Points" link near the author name.This content was rated by the following members: ...
Chemotherapydrugs can cause side effects, but they don’t have to take over your life. If you're about to startcancer treatment, talk to your medical team about the possible side effects and how you can feel better. Fatigue This is common during chemotherapy. Some people feel just a little...
What Are the Side Effects of Sleeping Pills? Like most medications, sleeping pills have side effects. You won't know, though, whether you will have side effects with a particular sleeping pill until you try it. Your doctor may be able to tell you about some side effects if you have asth...
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is a drug used to relieve pain and reduce fever. Most people don't experience side effects with this drug when it is used appropriately. Common side effects are nausea, rash, and headache. Adverse and serious side effects are kidn
Side Effects of Sleeping Pills Just as with any medication, there can be side effects of sleeping pills. They can include: Allergic reactions Balance issues Daytime drowsiness—a common side effect Problems thinking clearly Strange nocturnal behaviors such as walking, driving, or eating while asleep...
2. Change of Scenery Let’s be honest, while a treadmill is easy to climb up on and work out with, it’s not the best for beating boredom. One reason exercising outdoors can help prevent depression is it exposes you to a change of scenery and atmosphere. It stimulates neurons in...
are not available for purchase. Higher doses are commonly marketed in the U.S. (up to 10 mg), but higher doses may be associated with more side effects such as headache, next day drowsiness, or vivid dreams. Side effects of melatonin may occur more frequently or worsen in older adults...
When using Paxil, first-week side effects can be worse for some people. Side effects can vary in duration and severity depending on the individual. Many people may experience some level of adverse reactions for up to a month after beginning the medication. After this period, it’s common for...
Ibuprofen is a pain medicine used to manage mild to moderate pain, fever, inflammation, menstrual cramps, and types of arthritis. Common side effects are drowsiness, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, and ringing in the ears. Ibuprofen is an NSAID, which ca
If a long day of meetings has you in the mood to relax in the comfort of your room, place an order from our Room Service. With something for everyone, delicious curries, succulent steaks, or simply a ham & cheese toastie! Because of our location, right in the heart of the city, fr...