Clorox has a new line of "green" cleaning products, endorsed by the Sierra Club, but chlorine bleach is a nasty thing, as its manufacture releases dioxins. OK, at least chemicals makers say they are reducing the release of dioxins. 2008.06.06 in bioplastics, green body, green junk | ...
申请(专利权)人: CLOROX CO ザ・クロロックス・カンパニー 发明人: BE Arubaretsu,ビンセント,エドワード,アルバレツ,DR Konkii,デイビッド,ライル,コンキー 摘要: An outside window cleaner comprising mixtures of one or more polyvinyl alcohols with water, or preferably, polyvinyl ...
“[I]f Ivermectin is what those of us who have looked at the evidence think it is … then the debate about the vaccines would be over by definition, because the vaccines that we have so far were granted emergency use authorization,” Weinstein said, noting that the coronavirus vaccines are...