建筑物综合症(Sick Building Syndrome, 简称SBS)可用来形容建筑使用者在建筑物内产生的各种不适症状,包括头晕,恶性,呼吸道及眼部不适,疲劳昏睡,效率低下等等。其特点有二:首先,这些症状反复出现在使用建筑物的时间内,如工作,学习等;其次,这些症状难以找到明确的致病原因,也难以确诊。 虽然建筑物综合征和空调病有一...
这不是你的问题,而是建筑的问题。 病态建筑综合症, 英文为sick building syndrome, 简称SBS, 是指不是由疾病或者很确定的病理引起的,人员在建筑内不同停留时间后对健康或者舒适的不良反应。这种不良反应有可能局限在建筑的一个特定空间内,也可以是整个建筑的普遍现象。从70年代空调系统普及之后,包括柳叶刀上的众多研...
sick-building-syndrome n. 1. 病态建筑综合征,病态大楼症候群 (办公大楼中因新鲜空气缺乏等原因而引起的疲倦、头疼、眼睛疼痛、呼吸困难等症状)a condition that affects people who work in large offices, making them feel tired and causing headaches, sore eyes and breathing problems, thought to be caused...
大小写变形:sick building syndrome 实用场景例句 全部 大楼病综合征 Built-up static contributes tosick building syndrome. 高楼林立中的静电干扰是引发大楼病综合征的原因之一。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Sick building syndromeis a disease of our time.
Sick building syndrome (SBS) is an illness associated with a constellation of vague symptoms that occur as the result of an individual’s occupation of a specific building. A building is diagnosed as “sick” based on the density of complaints made by building occupants (Godish,1995; Murphy,...
大楼症候群(SickBuildingSyndrome)这个名词于1970年代首度使用 指的是长期在大楼活动这一特定族群所发生的特定症状,#微博推广引流软件# 而症状的发生可能与置身于某栋大楼时间点有关,#实时号霸屏精选包月# 虽然「大楼症候群」不一定是指办公室 但导致此症状的典型地点还是以办 ---ji377209 û...
The sick-building syndrome (SBS) is defined as the occurrence of an excessive number of subjective complaints by the occupants of a building. These complaints include headache, irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, lethargy, inability to concentrate, objectionable odors, and less frequently, ...
sick building syndrome 办公大楼病症候群征 Sick building syndrome is a disease of our time. 办公大楼病症候群征是一种现代病。 sick building syndrome sick-building syndrome 病楼综合症; 病楼并发症 (楼内环境条件有害人体健康, 住哀有头痛、头晕、恶心等症状) dwarf disease (植病) 矮化病 Berkshire ...
when chemicals andgermsstay in an office building and make the people who work there feel ill病态建筑综合征〔指办公楼内化学物质、病菌等积聚使人不适〕 A common household fungus can contribute to sick building syndrome. 一种常见的室内真菌就会引起病态建筑综合征。