病态建筑综合症, 英文为sick building syndrome, 简称SBS, 是指不是由疾病或者很确定的病理引起的,人员在建筑内不同停留时间后对健康或者舒适的不良反应。这种不良反应有可能局限在建筑的一个特定空间内,也可以是整个建筑的普遍现象。从70年代空调系统普及之后,包括柳叶刀上的众多研究论文都有着手讨论了这个现象。1984...
建筑物综合症(Sick Building Syndrome, 简称SBS)可用来形容建筑使用者在建筑物内产生的各种不适症状,包括头晕,恶性,呼吸道及眼部不适,疲劳昏睡,效率低下等等。其特点有二:首先,这些症状反复出现在使用建筑物的时间内,如工作,学习等;其次,这些症状难以找到明确的致病原因,也难以确诊。 虽然建筑物综合征和空调病有一...
The sick-building syndrome (SBS) is defined as the occurrence of an excessive number of subjective complaints by the occupants of a building. These complaints include headache, irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, lethargy, inability to concentrate, objectionable odors, and less frequently, ...
Sick Building Syndrome(病态建筑综合症)SickBuildingSyndrome(病态(bìngtài)建筑综合症)第一页,共十六页。Outline DefinitionofSBSSymptomsCausesPreventionandMethodsReferences 第二页,共十六页。DefinitionofSBS •Now,therearetwowidespreadandwidely-acceptedwaystodefineSBS.OnedefinitionmadebyWHO(WorldHealth Organizatio...
将“sick building syndrome"翻译成中文 病態建築症候群是将“sick building syndrome"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:In fact, in recent decades the rash of sicknesses in the wake of indoor air pollution has led to the coining of the term “sick-building syndrome.” ↔ 近几十年来,室内的空气污染...
6、essick building syndrome makes energy-efficient buildings not efficient. according to foreign official assessment in1989, sbs caused 1 billion medical consumption and 10 billion labor loss every year although there was no exact data of economic loss due to work inefficiency. it was assessed by ...
Journal of Building Appraisal 5(1):55-66.Guiseppe RP. Sick Building Syndrome: An overview to raise awareness. Journal of Building Appraisal. 2009; 5(1): 55-66.Passarelli, G. R. (2009). Sick Building Syndrome: An Overview to Raise Awareness. Jour- nal of Building Appraisal, 5, 55-66...
Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is a growing concern in various types of buildings worldwide, significantly affecting occupant health, productivity, and even property values. In an exclusive interview withThe Exchange Asia, Vitaly Berezka and Avtandil Mekudishvili, Regional Spokespeople for PlanRadar, de...
Public health departmental concerns about the rising incidences of sick building syndrome are relatively recent. Commercial air conditioning: Sickness in the system The Sick Building Syndrome can be resolved with proper building maintenance. When buildings make you sick For consumers, construction experts...
病态综合症syndromesickbuilding建筑 SSickickBBuildinguilding SSyndromeyndrome OutlineOutline DefinitionofSBS Symptoms Causes PreventionandMethods References DefinitionofSBSDefinitionofSBS •Now,therearetwowidespreadandwidely-accepted waystodefineSBS.OnedefinitionmadebyWHO (WorldHealthOrganization)isthatatleast20%of...