chimingiana G. Hao, S. Yuan & D.X. Zhang, is illustrated and described from Sichuan province, China. The new species is assigned to P . sect. Petiolares based on general morphology. It is similar to P. odontocalyx in the lack of farina and of hairs, the absence of basal scales ...
川北凉粉 豌豆经洗、泡、磨、去渣、加热、搅动至熟,冷却,切片丝,淋冷拌调料而食。香辣味浓,细嫩绵实,滑爽利口。 担担面 因沿街挑担叫卖得名。面条入沸煮熟,与多种调料面馅及鲜汤拌食。形如韭菜,滑利爽口,清香味美,已有百余年制作历史。 钟水饺 系由钟氏创制。猪肉末加各种调料搅匀成馅,硬子面制皮,包...