Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes used to categorize U.S. companies by the industries in which they operate. Companies are required to use them in certain government filings. SIC codes were created by the U.S. government in 1937 to help classify and ...
and the reader will experience Cedar Creek, and Fort Fisher as if in person. The vision of Lincoln standing in full view of the Confederate sharpshooters at Fort Stephens is indelible, as is the vignette of a severely wounded Union officer on the grounds of the Belle Grove Plantation after ...
The Commonwealth Government's decision to dissolve the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Commission (ATSIC), and the Opposition's failure to oppose it, comes as the latest chapter in the dismal history of attempts to solve what used to be called, and is still thought of as, 'the...
Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream of Oakland, California, with 1998 sales of $1.02 billion, was the leading U.S. ice-cream manufacturer. The company produced and distributed ice cream under its Dreyer's brand in 14 states in the West as well as overseas. Dreyer's also made ice cream under the ...
HTS concluded its statement by vowing to fight on against the SAA and its allies, promising that there will be “no peace or security” until the Syrian government is overthrown." SF --- As I expected. this cease fire is merely a pause in the Idlib Province struggle. HTS (al-Qa'ida)...
will open in the years ahead because a community college is now within commuting distance of most of the nation's population. There will be very little contraction in enrollment…. Funding for various programs will continue to be provided…. The colleges arehere to stay in their current form....
Qorvo will showcase a new surface-mount TO-leadless (TOLL) package for its high-performance, 5.4 milliohm (mΩ) 750V SiC FETs. This is the first product in a family of 750V SiC FETs that will be released in the TOLL package with on-resistance ranging fro
the virtual nature of things made it clear just how valuable in-person interactions can be. There’s only so much that can be done electronically—a good virtual conference is not a full replacement, no matter how strong. Second, there were a massive number of benefits of doing things virtu...
In order to drastically shorten time-to-market, the collaboration aims to create game-changing breakthroughs for Silicon Carbide systems, products, and applications by addressing the entire value chain from mod...
There are more references available in the full text version of this article. Cited by (2) Chemical reactivity of CVC and CVD SiC with UO<inf>2</inf>at high temperatures 2015, Journal of Nuclear Materials Citation Excerpt : Because of its extensive use, in the form of nanoparticles or sin...