For some business types, there may be a similar industry to SIC Code 91-99 - Public Administration that is a better classification match. Government-owned and operated business establishments are classified in Major Groups 01-89 according to the activity in which they are engaged. Private establis...
Government Level - SIC 3-Digit DescriptionHierarchy Total Companies 849 Est. Employment Inquire Use Data For: Direct Mailing Emailing Calling Research Includes Free Sample & Industry Report Buy Business List SIC CODE 141 100% Phone-Verified, NCOA Processed, Accurate Data ...
Every business in the USA is classified by a SIC and NAICS code Quickly identify best matching clients and suppliers. Research competitors Standardized industry profiles by SIC/NAICS code, with complete info Required for government contracts, Fortune 500, business registration ...
These codes aid in monitoring and assessing the impact of government initiatives on particular industries. By tracking the number of establishments operating under a specific [First-Level SIC Code], policymakers can evaluate the success of their policies, target areas for improvement, or provide ...
3714 Motor Vehicle Parts Government Sales Contact Robert Ishmael - Vice President Ishmael Precision Tool Corporation 55 Industry Court Troy, Ohio 45373 Toll Free: 1-877-264-IPTC (4782) Local Phone: 937-335-8070 FAX: 937-339-8978...
SIC CODE 是标准产业分类代码(Standard Industrial Classification)下⾯是osha上对SIC的介绍:What's a SIC Code?ABOUT SIC codes What is a SIC Code?Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four digit numerical codes assigned by the U.S. government to business establishments to identify the...
91 - Executive, Legislative, and General Government except Finance 92 - Justice, Public Order and Safety 93 - Public Finance, Taxation, Monetary Policy 94 - Administration of Human Resource Programs 95 - Administration of Environmental Quality and Housing Programs 96 - Administration of Economic Progr...
North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS)Business Classification SchemesNorth American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)Use of Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes by the federal government to measure the nature of business will be discontinued in 1997. In its place will be the North...
Standard Industrial Classification codes —SIC codesfor short — are given to all businesses. These 4 digit codes are then used by government agencies, marketing companies, banks, academics and entrepreneurs, to understand and analyze the type of work a business is involved in. ...
Every public company has a SIC code and uses it when filing certain reports to government agencies including the Securities & Exchange Commission. The SEC uses the company's SIC code to assign review responsibility for required company filings. What Is an Example of a SIC Code? SIC code 6500 ...