SIC Code lookup and SIC code search by industry. Standard industry classification codes and marketing lists for 40 million businesses
Common types of examples within SIC Code 4213 - Trucking, except Local are: Long-distance trucking Over-the-road trucking Trucking rental with drivers, except for local use Trucking, except local Alternative SIC Code Categories forSIC 4213
Every business in the USA is classified by a SIC and NAICS code Quickly identify best matching clients and suppliers. Research competitors Standardized industry profiles by SIC/NAICS code, with complete info Required for government contracts, Fortune 500, business registration ...
3489 Ordnance and Accessories 3499 Metal Products 3710 Motor Vehicle Equipment 3714 Motor Vehicle Parts Government Sales Contact Robert Ishmael - Vice President Ishmael Precision Tool Corporation 55 Industry Court Troy, Ohio 45373 Toll Free: 1-877-264-IPTC (4782) Local Phone: ...
91 - Executive, Legislative, and General Government except Finance 92 - Justice, Public Order and Safety 93 - Public Finance, Taxation, Monetary Policy 94 - Administration of Human Resource Programs 95 - Administration of Environmental Quality and Housing Programs 96 - Administration of Economic Progr...
which offers navigation agility during cruise for approaching the target. Propelled by sunlight, NEA Scout will flyby and observe a small asteroid (<300 feet in diameter), taking pictures and observing its position in space, the asteroid's shape, rotational properties, spectral class, local dust...
Consider the following problem: you are a local government with infrastructure responsibility for a number of business parks. A developer has submitted plans to enlarge a park, purchasing an existing brownfield site that is adjacent to one of the existing parks. So far, so good. However, for ...
VALDAI. Putin's speech ishere. To my mind, other than thefuneral crack, the most memorable bit was his strong defence of a mixed economy: when things are purring along, free enterprise does the job but in bad times you need the government. I'd say the last 20 years vindicates this ...
Although general government NEC offices account for a significant portion of overall government employment, prospects for job growth are slim given public pressure to eliminate new government spending. At the state and local level, cumulative government expenditures on construction, equipment, land, and...
The structure of the wholesale milk industry is somewhat different from that of other wholesale food product operations. In most metropolitan areas, local milk producers make it unnecessary for wholesalers, either chain store or affiliate, to operate their own fluid milk facilities. Instead, distribut...