We are trusted to SIC code the databases of many large utilities companies. In most cases the SIC codes we give are submitted to the government and/or used for important decision making - such as should a company be paying VAT for this service? It is crucial that we offer SIC codes for...
SICCODE.com's curated business data is continuously updated to meet your company's needs. You can rely on us to provide industry-leading data quality that fuels your success. We employ best practices to collect, verify, and update our data, ensuring accuracy and relevance. By implementing ...
Check the second group of digits in the API number, which is the "county code." In the above example, "501" is Yoakum County, in the northwest part of Texas along the New Mexico border. County codes are usually odd numbers to allow for expansion of the database of wells. Step 4 Ta...
How to find a business’s NAICS or SIC code Businesses can find their NAICS or SIC codes by using tools provided on government websites, such as the US Census Bureau’s NAICS search tool. These tools allow businesses to search by keyword or to drill down through various categories to find...
Identify the manufacturer code. The first number in the UPC-A system is the type of product. It is usually a single number to the left of the code or otherwise separated. The next three to five numbers on the left are the manufacturer code. ...
Copy probably either: 7993 VIDEO AMUSEMENT GAME SUPPLIES or more likely 7994VIDEO GAMEARCADES Wiki User ∙13yago This answer is: Add your answer: Earn +20pts Q:What is the Sic code for video game design? Write your answer... Submit...
Single letter code for serine. S1 (1) A soluble fragment (102 kDa) of heavy meromyosin produced by papain cleavage: it retains the ATPase and actin-binding activity and motor function, and can be used to decorate actin filaments for identification by electron microscopy. (2) Ribosomal protein...
What is the SIC Code for Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Finance? SIC Code 46460 Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods Other SIC Codes that could also be used are: 01280 Growing of spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops 21100 Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products 21200 Manufacture of pharma...
Frozen yogurts are made using the bacteria culturesstreptococcus thermophilusand/orlactobacillus bulgaricus. Because most refrigerated yogurts were lowfat and had a healthy image with consumers, frozen yogurt was assumed to have the same health benefits as the refrigerated product. The Code of Federal...
"Science currently holds that time travel is an impossibility, but readers ofDown the Sky,thefinal volume of Colonel Pat Lang’sStrike the Tenttrilogy will question that assertion. Code-named “Hannibal,” Confederate penetration agent Claude Devereux is firmly lodged in the upper echelons of the...