The SIC code system remains the most widely used industry classification system. The NAICS code system has been unable to fully replace it due to the SIC system's long history, and the reluctance of businesses and other organizations that have been long-term users of SIC codes to switch over...
I found a site that seems to map bi-directionally NAICS to SIC and vice versa - depending on the level of detail you are after eg sector, subsector, industry group etc. You can find that here. You can get the NAICS code and then try converting it on that site using the ...
To find an appropriate code for your company, you can use online tools to enter keywords that describe your operations. The search tool will return SIC or NAICS codes that match your keyword selection. Reading the full description of the codes thus returned facilitates the selection of the code...
Natural Ways to Promote Healing of an Anal Fissure What follows are natural ways to prevent and heal a chronic anal fissure: 1. Avoid regular use of soap on your anus As explained in my article onwhy you shouldn't regularly use soap on your private parts, it's best to wash your anus...
How to Get an SIC Code for a Business Find out what the business under study does or did: does it make cars? Does it make car parts? Does it wholesale car parts? In 1997, the U.S. Government, in conjunction with the Canadian and Mexican Governments, developed the North American Indust...
本文原文由知名 Hacker Eric S. Raymond 所撰寫,教你如何正確的提出技術問題並獲得你滿意的答案。 - Forks · liyi-leee/How-To-Ask-Questions-The-Smart-Way
Find out if you’re qualified within hours of applying. Pros Easy to qualify for (no minimum time in business) Fast approval time Can help build credit (business and personal) Can earn perks and rewards Often have introductory rate offers Can re-use funds up to credit limit when paid off...
For "48 Hours" correspondent Maureen Maher, this story begins near her home just outside Chicago. TRICIA PACACCIO | CHICAGO, 1993 Diane Pacaccio:We were told that we have to understand that some murders go unsolved … And I was like, there is no way somebody ...
Finally, if anyone knows how to configure these additional items, please post: use of my own DNS server, and bridged connections. (A) My LAN's DNS server is at (same as the OpenVPN server), which serves up LAN addresses for my server and local clients. I'd like to use ...
The output of the code above is 20 1048575. Why does the function make such a big number of steps? To find the answer we must look at how the function actually looks after we process the MAX keyword: int f(int n) { ++step; if(n == 1) return v[n]; else return (((f(n - ...