该文章提到在Oracle版本中,如果是shutdown abort的情况之下,当restart之后,数据库处于不一致的状态,是无法直接open的,需要先进行recover database一下,然后才能open。 当然这并不算是Bug;另外一个相关如下: Bug 29707246 - ORA-39511 DURING STARTUP, EVEN THOUGH INSTANCE WAS "SHUTDOWN ABORT" 38 SEC...
SHUTDOWN ABORT is the fastest way to shutdown an Oracle database. However, this type of shutdown leaves the database in a inconsistent state (non-rolled back) any backups taken at this point would require recovery at the next startup (See NOTE 1 below) *** NOTE *** SHUTDOWN ABORT ...
SHUTDOWN ABORT:不允许新的连接、不等待会话结束、不等待事务结束、不做检查点且没有关闭数据文件。启动时自动进行实例恢复。 oracle的启动过程 Oracle 的启动需要经历四个状态,SHUTDOWN 、NOMOUNT 、MOUNT 、OPEN、 SHUTDOWN状态 第一状态没什么好解释的,oracle的所有文件都静静的躺在磁盘里,一切都还未开始,属于关机...
In such situations, the database administrator can force the new instance to start up by first removing the remnants of the previous instance and then starting a new instance, or by issuing a SHUTDOWN ABORT command in Oracle Enterprise Manager. Additional Information: For more detailed ...
Sometimes these are failed jobs or transactions, which are effectively 'zombies', which are not able to receive a signal from Oracle. If this occurs, the only way to shutdown the database is by doing: sql> shutdown abort startup restrict ...
SHUTDOWN ABORT:不允许新的连接、不等待会话结束、不等待事务结束、不做检查点且没有关闭数据文件。启动时自动进行实例恢复。oracle的启动过程 2、 Oracle 的启动需要经历四个状态,SHUTDOWN 、NOMOUNT 、MOUNT 、OPEN、 SHUTDOWN状态 第一状态没什么好解释的,oracle的所有文件都静静的躺在磁盘里,一切都还未开始,...
Sometimes these are failed jobs or transactions, which are effectively 'zombies', which are not able to receive a signal from Oracle. If this occurs, the only way to shutdown the database is by doing: sql> shutdown abort startup restrict ...
来源于: 12c: How to Startup/Shutdown PDB's? (文档 ID 1592247.1) 适用于: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform. 目标: startup/shutdown PDB的方法。 解决方案: 在12c之前,传统的startup/shutdown 命令是: ...
SHUTDOWN ABORT Startup Command STARTUP STARTUP NOMOUNT STARTUP MOUNT 在CDB中运行SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE 会发生什么? 假设我们在container database (CDB)级别使用传统的shutdown命令。那么我们会把CDB和其下所有的PDB所有关闭。 [oracle@rhel59 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba ...
Sometimes these are failed jobs or transactions, which are effectively 'zombies', which are not able to receive a signal from Oracle. If this occurs, the only way to shutdown the database is by doing: sql> shutdown abort startup restrict ...