Shutdown Immediate Hangs / Active Processes Prevent Shutdown (文档 ID 416658.1) CAUSE This is not a bug. If the DB Control repository is running on the database target against which shutdown immediate was attempted then an incorrect order of events seems used. You should stop DB Control first...
查询数据块大小:SHOW PARAMETER db_block_size; SQL> SHOW PARAMETER db_block_size; NAME TYPE VALUE --- --- --- db_block_size integer 8192 查询用户分区信息:select * from user_extents; 内容太多,略。 归档模式与非归档模式: 非归档模式,不记归档日志,没有办法进行数据恢复。当然如果数据库的量比较...
SHUTDOWN Shuts down a currently running Oracle database. SPOOL Records the input and output of DGMGRL to a file. SQL Allows you to enter SQL statements from the Data Guard command-line interface (DGMGRL). START OBSERVER Starts the observer. START OBSERVER IN BACKGROUND Starts a fast-star...
大家好,又见面了,我是你们的朋友全栈君。 oracle的shutdown命令用来关闭当前实例,有4个可选参数:normal、transactional、immediate和abort。...这几个参数的差异体现在以下几个维度:是否允许新的连接;当前已连接的回话是否自动断开;当前未提交的事务是等待用户
The database must be named with the DB_NAME parameter either in the initialization Parameter file or in the STARTUP command. 数据库必须用初始参数文件或启动命令中的DB_NAME参数命名。 2 mount状态 ① 关联实例与数据库,读取控制文件并获取数据文件和重做日志文件名称状态。
shutdown immediate; (3) 复制文件到其他地方存储实现备份 1)复制三个文件夹 admin; oradata(datafile,controlfile,redo【注:数据文件, 控制文件,redo】); flash_recovery_area三个文件夹。 2)dbhome_1下的内容 database(PWDfile、pfile); dbs(spfile); ...
How to Shut Down a System by Using the shutdown Command Assume the root role. See Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.3. For a shutdown of a system with multiple users, find out if any users are logged in to the system. # who ...
shutdown immediate; (3) 复制文件到其他地方存储实现备份 1)复制三个文件夹 admin; oradata(datafile,controlfile,redo【注:数据文件, 控制文件,redo】); flash_recovery_area三个文件夹。 2)dbhome_1下的内容 database(PWDfile、pfile); dbs(spfile); ...
sqlplus / as sysdba SQL> shutdown abort ORACLE instance shut down. 删除数据库数据文件: Bash cd/u02/oradata/TEST rm -f *.dbf 下面的命令使用 RMAN 来还原缺失的数据文件并恢复数据库: Bash rman target / RMAN> startup mount; RMAN> restore database; RMAN> recover database; RMAN> a...
SQL> shutdown 4、启动Oracle10g监听程序,以便远程客户端可以访问该数据库: $ lsnrctl 将出现如下监听程序信息: LSNRCTL>start(启动监听) 5、关闭监听程序 LSNRCTL> stop 设置oracle自动启动与关闭(root用户) 1、 编辑 /etc/oratab,把所有的 instance 的重启动标志设置成 'Y',如: ...