shut up and take my money属于野性消费语录,翻译过来就是:不必多说了,把我的钱拿去。 这个梗出自美国动画片飞出个未来(Futurama)。 主人公fry排队去买eyephone(讽刺iPhone)时售货员说eyephone现货只有一个(实际流水线上还有好多,经典饥饿营销手段),并说了一堆手机的缺点,然后fry从怀中掏出美金说出了这句经典名...
满意答案 “shut up and take my money”表达的意思是“什么都别说了,拿走我的钱,东西我要了”。在日常对话里,就是夸张地表达某个东西太好了散敬迟,太值了等等。 shut 英[ʃʌt],美 [ʃʌt] v. 关闭;合拢;停止 adj. 关闭的;停止营业的 n. 关闭 短语: 1、shut a cottage 关闭乡村别墅 2...
不是他们想看盗版,而是根本没法看正版动画。 所以海外的粉丝希望获得一个能够直接资助Trigger工作室的途径,而对Tattun说:“Shut up and take my money!” 之前还有人问:你们之前用kickstarter给剧场版筹过钱,有没有考虑过这次也这样,好让我们给你们钱。 Tattun回答说:之前的kickstarter project,那些给支持者礼品...
shut up and take my money 闭嘴,把我的钱拿走 双语对照 例句:1.Take my advice and shut up!听我的命令,闭嘴!2.So you're just gonna take my money and walk?你就这样拿着我的钱走开?3.Take all my money, and run me out of town?拿走我的财产赶我出城还不够吗?
在口语中,挂某人的电话通常用 hang up on somebody的形式表达:例句:Don't you dare hang up on me!2.Hook up Hook是钩子的意思,Hook up的字面含义是将两个物体连(钩)在一起。例句:The plumber hooked the pipes up to the shower.在口语中,hook up也有一个非常常用的引申含义,指与某人发生了随意...
" B: "I just bought the myPhone XZR29 a month ago, but I don't care—shut up and take my money!"A: "Did you see the trailer for the new Zelda game?" B: "Yeah, talk about 'shut up and take my money'!" See also:and,money,shut,take,up...
Have you ever seen something you wanted so badly you nearly (or actually) shouted “SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!”? It’s happened to me, but I’ll never forget the first time I experienced it from the other side:when I was the one with something to offer. ...
To move the LATCH strap, lift the cover and slide the strap up to the forward-facing belt path. The lower LATCH connectors on the Extend2Fit are the deluxe push-on style, called the InRight LATCH system by Graco, which easily snap onto the vehicle’s anchors and remove with the push ...
Shut up and Take my Money! Posted on May 27, 2012 Seriously just shut up already and take my money, Its sad that in this day and age how many times I find my self thinking those very words when trying to watch a movie or tv show online. The year is Two Thousand and Twelve we ...
Shut Up And Take My Money. No Thanks, Says Sony bySheharyar Khan May 23rd, 2024 1x Ghost of Tsushima's PC port has beenmired in controversyafterSonydecided tolimit salesof the game to countries where the PlayStation Network is available, leaving me with the following prompt when I tried ...