SM7B 动态麦克风具有平滑、平坦、宽范围的频率响应,适用于所有专业音频应用中的音乐和语音。 它具有出色的屏蔽功能,可抵御计算机显示器、霓虹灯和其他电气设备产生的电磁嗡声。 SM7B 已从早期型号更新,改进了支架设计,提供更大的稳定性。 除了标准挡风玻璃外,还包括 A7WS 挡风玻璃,用于近距离通话应用。 流行的收音机...
购买MoveMic 88+ Microflex® 会议扬声器 动态设计。会议就绪。 了解更多 推荐产品 新产品 畅销商品 Axient®Digital PSM先进的数字入耳式监听系统 KSM11心形电容话筒 新品 SM39为舞台表演艺术家设计的心形指向头戴式麦克风 新品 MV7iMV7i 智能麦克风和接口 ...
Shure SM7B Mic + TH200X Headphones Podcasting Bundle $589.99 Shure SM7B with Cloudlifter CL-1 & Accessories $619.98 Shure SM7B Dynamic Vocal Microphone and Cloudlifter CL-1 Preamplifier Bundle $449.98 Shure SM7B Stand and Cable Bundle Universal Audio Apollo Twin X QUAD Heritage Edition Interface ...
SHURE 舒尔 SM7B 心形动圈麦克风2441.59元什么值得买甄选出亚马逊海外购优惠促销商品,包括SHURE/舒尔报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
Shure舒尔 MoveMic无线自由领夹便携蓝牙麦克风 直播采访录音神器 上海广洽电子科技有限公司 10年 回头率: 25% 上海市虹口区 ¥600.00 Shure/舒尔 sm58s专业演出有线话筒动圈麦克风录音乐器直播麦克风 晋中市比特商贸有限公司 6年 回头率: 40% 河北 香河县 ¥72.00 跨境外贸 BETA57A有线动圈麦克风演出...
A secret weapon of everyone from platinum producers to broadcast legends, but with a price within reach of bedroom recordists, the Shure SM7B is both a classic vocal mic and versatile studio swiss army knife. While many people think of condensers as idea
Shure/舒尔 SM7B录音室动圈麦克风专业录音配音广播电台语音旁白 广州癸新数码科技有限公司15年 回头率:8.3% 广东 广州市天河区 ¥2650.00成交52件 SHURE舒尔话筒blx24/beta58a sm58无线麦克风舞台无线会议手持麦 广州癸新数码科技有限公司15年 回头率:8.3% ...
Shure GLXD4R+ Wireless Dual Band Mic Receiver Posted on February 24, 2025 With box and accesories... Read More Tagged band dual glxd4r receiver shure wireless Shure SM7B Cardioid Dynamic Vocal Studio Recording Microphone UK Posted on January 31, 2025 Shure SM7B Dynamic Microphone – Prof...
The SM7B has been updated from earlier models with an improved bracket design that offers greater stability. In addition to its standard windscreen, it also includes the A7WS windscreen for close-talk applications. Features Flat, wide-range frequency response for exceptionally clean and natural reprod...
shure sm7b mic, so you can rest assured you'll get a snug fit that protects your investment. handy low-profile handle sweetwater's globetrotting sound engineers are always on the lookout for flight cases with the right bells and whistles, and the lm sm7b flight case ticks all ...