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SM7B 动态麦克风具有平滑、平坦、宽范围的频率响应,适用于所有专业音频应用中的音乐和语音。 它具有出色的屏蔽功能,可抵御计算机显示器、霓虹灯和其他电气设备产生的电磁嗡声。 SM7B 已从早期型号更新,改进了支架设计,提供更大的稳定性。 除了标准挡风玻璃外,还包括 A7WS 挡风玻璃,用于近距离通话应用。 流行的收音机...
The Shure SM7B is the iconic dynamic vocal microphone you've already heard. It is perfect for professional podcasters, streamers, and vocalists alike.
Mounting Instructions The default setup for the SM7B is for a boom mount. To set up the SM7B for a microphone stand: 1. Remove tightening nuts on the sides. 2. Remove the fitted washers, the lock washers, the outer brass washers, and the brass sleeves. 3. Slide the bracket off the ...
Shure SM7B dynamic microphone online user 说明书 SM7B Cardioid Dynamic Vocal Microphone Shure SM7B dynamic microphone online user guide. Includes information on the frequency response, how to mount, preamp recommendations, and specs.Version: 2.3 (2023-A)
In short, the MV7 gets as close to the intimate vocal tone of theSM7Bas any other mic at this price-point, with the addition of USB connectivity. For a full run-down of the similarities and differences, here’s a fullShure SM7B vs MV7 comparison. ...
Shure/舒尔 SM7B录音室动圈麦克风专业录音配音广播电台语音旁白 广州癸新数码科技有限公司15年 回头率:8.3% 广东 广州市天河区 ¥2650.00成交52件 SHURE舒尔话筒blx24/beta58a sm58无线麦克风舞台无线会议手持麦 广州癸新数码科技有限公司15年 回头率:8.3% ...
Shure SM7dB 电子预制头耳机用户指南说明书 SM7dB Vocal Microphone with Active Preamp SM7dB online user guide.Version: 2.0 (2023-I)
Shure SM7B Cardioid Dynamic Vocal Microphone 4.9 颗星(共 5 颗星),基于 225 个商品评分(225) 1,514.99元 全新 1,382.65元 二手 Shure SM58-LC Wired Xlr Dynamic Microphone 4.7 颗星(共 5 颗星),基于 462 个商品评分(462) 285.24元 全新 219.47元 二手 ...
shure sm7b mic, so you can rest assured you'll get a snug fit that protects your investment. handy low-profile handle sweetwater's globetrotting sound engineers are always on the lookout for flight cases with the right bells and whistles, and the lm sm7b flight case ticks all ...