performance. the band was set close to a bose l1 system but we had no feedback issues. sm57s are versatile and solid workhorses. they are not on the level of a high quality condenser, but if you know to place them, you get excellent results. compare to similar best sellers this item...
When you buy a Shure SM57, you've got a great dynamic microphone for life. Accounts of its heroic toughness lie at the center of countless music-industry legends, most of which are perfectly true. What's also true about the SM57 is that it sounds great on a wide variety of sources. ...
Shure Introduces Expanded Microflex™ Loudspeaker Portfolio For Best-in-Class Audio Experience Shure, a leading global provider of audio for collaboration solutions, today announced the expansion of its Microflex® Ecosystem portfolio with an innovative lineup of passive loudspeakers and a new networked...
Shure is the go-to choice for microphones for countless artists. The Shure SM57 might just be the most popular recording and live mic on the market, good enough to be Rick Rubin's choice for recording the Red Hot Chili Peppers' LP "Blood Sex Sugar Magik." TheSM58is another workhorse use...
I'm disappointed that the SM57 I received looked a little beat up. Sounds fine, but I would've liked the mic to look new, not refurbished. I delayed following up on receiving the return label from UPS, so that was on me. If you don't receive the return label, get on them about ...
Live, the SM57 also works great for vocals and speech. The roster of prominent users includes Lemmy Kilmister of Motörhead and the President of the United States. Its attractive purchase price, high-quality and durable construction, and of course great sound provide an optimum price/performance...
Shure SM57-LC Dynamic Instrument Microphone $99.99 Shure SM57-LC Dynamic Instrument Microphone Add to Cart Buy NowQuestion ShureSM58-LC Shure SM58 Cardioid Dynamic Vocal Microphone $99.00 Shure SM58 Cardioid Dynamic Vocal Microphone Add to Cart ...
The DMK57-52 Drum Mic Kit is a conveniently packaged selection of microphones and mounts, designed to offer a core package of microphones for recording and performing drummers at a great price. The Drum Mic Kit includes three SM57 microphones, one Beta 52A microphone, three A56D drum-mounting...
一个麦克风适用于一切 - 工作室录音、家庭录音、播客和流媒体。 SM7B 深受世界领先歌手、播客和彩带家的信赖。 录音室语音录制 - SM7B 的动态墨盒具有平滑、平坦、宽范围频率响应,产生非常干净、自然的音乐和语音再现。 PODCAST & BROADCAST - 世界上顶级的播客工作室发现,SM7B 空气悬架减震和流行过滤器消除了...
Shure 舒尔 SM57 Pro XLR 动态麦克风 - 专业工作室和现场表演心形麦克风,适用于乐器、鼓、打击乐器和乐器放大器 Miking (SM57-LC) 加入购物车 加入购物车 加入购物车 加入购物车 价格 US$199.00US$199.00 US$45.99US$45.99 US$109.00US$109.00 US$99.00US$99.00 配送 — 3月3日 星期一即会收到...