A26MDual Microphone Mount Add to Cart A2WSLocking Microphone Windscreen Add to Cart A50DMicrophone Drum Mount Add to Cart A81WSLarge Foam Microphone Windscreen Add to Cart RK244GScreen and Grille for SM57 and 545 Add to CartReviews 121 ReviewsWrite a Review 99% of respondents would re...
shure sm57 cardioid dynamic instrument microphone dynamic microphone with cardioid pickup pattern, 40hz-15khz frequency response, low impedance, includes stand adapter, and zippered carrying case rated 5/5 400 reviews write your review item id: sm57 videos $ 99 .00 48 months special financing –...
Dynamic Microphone with Cardioid Pickup Pattern, 40Hz-15kHz Frequency Response, Low Impedance, Includes Stand Adapter, and Zippered Carrying Case Rated 5/5400reviewsWriteyourreviewItem ID: SM57 Videos $99.00 24months Special Financing $4.21/monthwith24month financing* ...
lightly used genuine 1980s SHURE SM57 Dynamic Microphone SM57LC + original pouch (NO other items) Used – Very Good Originally $149.99, now $84.99 ($65 price drop) $149.99 $65 price drop $84.99 + $40 Shipping Originally $89, now $79 (12% price drop) ...
PGA56Cardioid Dynamic Snare/Tom Microphone FROM $69.00 Best Sellers SM57Instrument Microphone $99.00 BETA 57ADynamic Instrument Microphone $149.00 Reviews No ReviewsWrite the First Review SHURE Brand Score There are no reviews on this product, but here is how SHURE is rated overall in the microphon...
Producer and engineer Brandon Schock reviews the Shure Beta 58 microphone and compares it to the SM58, SM57, and Sennheiser e 945.
外贸高品质 SM57 有线动圈麦克风舞台卡拉OK主持演出直播专业话筒 恩平宏讯电子科技有限公司 4年 回头率: 48.4% 广东 江门市 ¥590.00 成交323件 AEC大陆行货正品舒尔SM58动圈麦克风专业演出手持话筒一件代发 广州畅联贸易有限公司 10年 回头率: 34.8% 广东 广州市番禺区 ¥31.00 成交242套 跨境SM...
Wireless Microphone Systems 访问商店 与相似商品比较 此商品 Shure 舒尔 SM7B 麦克风 - 用于广播、播客、录音、游戏和流媒体的人声动态录音室麦克风,XLR,坚固的结构,可拆卸挡风玻璃,声音流畅,暖人声,宽范围频率 推荐 Shure 舒尔 MV7+ 播客动态麦克风。OBS 认证,增强音频,LED 触摸屏,USB-C 和 XLR 输出,自动...
Microphone Clip for SM58, SM57, SM87A, BETA87A, BETA87C, PGA57, PGA58, PGA48, PGA81 A25D Carrying/Storage Bag 95A2313 Optional Accessories Foam Windscreen for all larger Shure "ball-type" Microphones available in black, blue, gray, green, red and yellow A58WS Desk Stand S37A Shock ...
The SM57 is closer in design, using the same capsule but with a flat grill to position the mic closer to the source (i.e. guitar cabs). This grill difference causes a boost above 5kHz, making the SM57 more suited for drums and guitar recording than live vocal use. I hear it’s ...