ROM: System Bootstrap, Version12.4(13r)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE(fc1)Routeruptimeis2weeks,5days,18hours,34minutes System returned to ROM by power-on System imagefileis"flash:c2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.151-4.M10.bin"... 4. show ip route show ip route命令用于显示设备的IP路由表。这个命令可以...
He played their version again and stuck with it for a few seconds. Howard took a call from a guy who said over the last couple of weeks Howard has become the biggest, whiniest bitch. He wondered if he talks about this stuff with his therapist when he goes in. The caller also said...
Port (in slot#/port# format) on your Server Switch to which the host connects. physical-address MAC address of the host. net-address IP address of the host. type Type of route between the host and your Server Switch, either static or dynamic. Examples The following example displa...
Step 1: OpenSystem Settingson your MacBook. Step 2: Go toDesktop & Dockand then click on theHot Cornersbutton at the bottom. Step 3:Click on the drop-down box next to a corner and then selectDesktop, followed by theDonebutton.
show mac address-table:显示设备的MAC地址表。 show spanning tree summary:显示设备的STP摘要信息。 show etherchannel:显示设备的EtherChannel信息。 VLAN和交换机配置命令 show vlan:显示设备上的VLAN信息。 show vtp status:显示VTP配置信息。 show port-security:显示端口安全配置和统计信息。
以下是 show switch mac-address-table 命令的输出示例。 > show switch mac-address-table Legend: Age - entry expiration time in seconds Mac Address | VLAN | Type | Age | Port --- 000e.0c4e.2aa4 | 0001 | dynamic | 287 | Et1/1 0012.d927.fb03 | 0001 | dyn...
System image file is "flash:c2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.151-4.M10.bin" 4. show ip route show ip route命令用于显示设备的IP路由表。这个命令可以帮助你了解设备的路由信息。 Router# show ip route 返回示例: Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP...
Approximate round triptimesinmilli-seconds: Minimum = 297ms, Maximum = 321ms, Average = 309ms 5.巧用Ping命令进行故障排除 案例一:连通性问题还是性能问题? (1) 案例描述 工程师小C,在配置完一台路由器之后执行Ping命令检测链路是否通畅。发现5个报文都没有Ping通,于是检查双方的配置命令并查看路由表,却...
physical interface on the system. The second section of the show arp command displays the following information that refers only to media interfaces: interface VLAN IP Address MAC address time stamp type The third section of the show arp command shows general ARP table information. ...
timeout_in_seconds: null blobstore_delete: timeout_in_seconds: null blobstore_upload: timeout_in_seconds: null droplet_deletion: timeout_in_seconds: null droplet_upload: timeout_in_seconds: null model_deletion: timeout_in_seconds: null bulk_api_password: <%= common_password %> staging_uplo...