/config[/computer:<target>] [/update] [/manualpeerlist:<peers>] [/syncfromflags:] [/LocalClockDispersion:<seconds>] [/reliable:(YES|NO)] [/largephaseoffset:<milliseconds>]**/computer:<target>:调整 <target> 的配置。 如果未指定,则默认值为本地计算机。 /update:...
start = clock(); while( i-- ) ; finish = clock(); duration = (double)(finish - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf( "Time to do %ld empty loops is ", num_loops ); printf( "%2.3f seconds\n", duration ); } Output Copy ...
clockInEntryTeamSelectionShown - 當未打卡時,使用者選取小組進行打卡。 clockInOutClicked - 在螢幕上的時鐘,已選取 [上班打卡] 或[下班打卡] 按鈕。 clockInOutTriggered - 註冊使用者的上下班打卡。此屬性會在您勾選了位置 (假設必須提供位置) 之後才會觸發。 closedBannerMessage - 當通知的橫幅訊息關閉時,進...
To see the SystemClockRate value in clock ticks, use the following formula:(value in seconds)× 1,000 × 10,000For example, if SystemClockRate is 0.0156250 seconds, the value that the equation uses is 156,250 clock ticks. The following examples show how to appl...
InEdit DWORD Value, typeTimeInSecondsin theValue databox, and then selectOK. Note TimeInSecondsis a placeholder for a reasonable value, such as 1 hour (3600) or 30 minutes (1800). The value that you select will depend on the poll interval, network condition, and external time source. ...
sys_secondsA synonym forusing sys_seconds = sys_time<seconds>. A count of seconds, represented by atime_pointthat is associated with asystem_clock. Defined instd::chrono sys_timeA synonym fortemplate <class Duration> using sys_time = time_point<system_clock, Duration>. Represents atime_point...
Tap the clock icon at the bottom left of your screen Tap-and-hold the translation you would like to delete. A check mark will appear. Select all the translations you’d like to delete. Tap the garbage can icon to delete the selected translations. ...
By default, the time picker shows a 12-hour clock with an AM/PM selector. You can set the ClockIdentifier property to "24HourClock" to show a 24-hour clock instead.XAML Copy <TimePicker Header="12HourClock" SelectedTime="14:30"/> <TimePicker Header="24HourClock" SelectedTime="14:...
MaxAllowedPhaseOffset is also in seconds. To convert it to clock ticks, multiply MaxAllowedPhaseOffset*1000*10000. The following two examples show how to apply Example 1: Time differs by 4 minutes (For example, your time is 11:05 AM and the time sample received from a peer and believed...
MaxAllowedPhaseOffset is also in seconds. To convert it to clock ticks, multiply MaxAllowedPhaseOffset*1000*10000. The following two examples show how to apply Example 1: Time differs by 4 minutes (For example, your time is 11:05 AM and the time sample received from a peer and believed...