show ntp status Function The show ntp status command is used to query the NTP status. Format show ntp status Parameters None Level Guest Usage Guidelines If the NTP configuration is modified, query the NTP status one minute later. Example Query NTP status. admin:/>show ntp status NTP Serv...
*14:22:35.123 UTC Mon Mar12021 11. show ntp status show ntp status命令用于显示设备的网络时间协议(NTP)状态。这个命令可以帮助你了解设备的时间同步状态。 代码语言:bash 复制 Router# show ntp status 返回示例: 代码语言:bash 复制 Clock is synchronized, stratum3, reference is10.1.1.1 nominal freq is...
show clock:显示设备的当前时间。 show ntp status:显示NTP服务的状态。 show protocols:显示设备的路由协议配置。 安全和监控命令 show users:显示当前登录到设备的用户信息。 show access-lists:显示设备的访问控制列表配置。 show ip dhcp binding:显示DHCP绑定表,即IP地址分配情况。 show ip dhcp pool:显示DHCP池...
11. show ntp status show ntp status命令用于显示设备的网络时间协议(NTP)状态。这个命令可以帮助你了解设备的时间同步状态。 Router# show ntp status 返回示例: Clock is synchronized, stratum 3, reference is nominal freq is 250.0000 Hz, actual freq is 250.0000 Hz, precision is 2**24 refere...
To show the status of each NTP association, use the show ntp status command in user EXEC mode. show ntp status Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords. Command Default No default behavior or values. Command Modes The following table shows the modes in...
In this case, check the output of theshow ntp associations detailcommand or the NTP debugs to see why the clocks are not synchronized. Use theshow ntp associations detailandshow ntp statuscommands to obtain additional information about the state of NTP. ...
Which two pieces of information can you determine from the output of the show ntp status command? (Choose two) A. whether the NTP peer is statically configured B. the IP address of the peer to which the clock is synchronized C. the configured NTP servers D. whether the clo...
This command shows the currently enabled features based on added licenses. Example Copy ORACLE# show features show h323d Syntax Copy show h323d <arguments> This command displays H.323 statistics for your Oracle Communications Session Border Controller. Arguments status—Display H.323 server status...
The show ntp_server general command is used to query the time synchronization function settings. Format show ntp_server general Parameters None Usage Guidelines None. Example Query the time synchronization function settings. admin:/>show ntp_server general NTP Switch : Enable Server Address : 19...
Use the show command to view the status of the appliance or an aspect of the appliance configuration.