To check brief session information, run this command. Example # Display detailed information about local NTP sessions. <HUAWEI> display ntp sessions clock source: clock stratum: 8 clock status: configured, master, sane, valid reference clock ID: LOCAL(0) reach: 255 current poll: 1024...
The actual command output varies according to the device. The command output here is only an example. # Display the value of the configured poll interval and manycast timeout. <HUAWEI> system-view [~HUAWEI] diagnose [~HUAWEI-diagnose] display ntp configuration NTP minimum poll interval : 6(...
A pound sign (#) displayed next to a configured peer in theshow ntp associationscommand output indicates that the router does not synchronize with the peer even though NTP request and response packets are exchanged. In this case, check the output of theshow ntp associations detailcommand or...
ntp Execute NTP commands out-of-service Make the current module out-of-service ping Send echo messages port-channel Port-Channel related commands purge Deletes unused data pwd View current directory reload Reboot the entire box rmdir Delete a directory ...
Now, check for the status of the NTP daemon using the very same command with the update at the word “enable”. Replace it with the “status” keyword. Try using the ntpdate instruction with the sudo rights and the URL to the Web pool server for the update of your system time and da...
VMHostNtpServer Add-VMHostNtpServer This cmdlet adds the specified NTP servers to the NTP server list of the specified hosts. Get-VMHostNtpServer This cmdlet retrieves the NTP servers on the specified hosts. Remove-VMHostNtpServer This cmdlet removes the specified NTP servers from...
We will examine the definition of the ntpq command in this article. We will also give you a few examples that you may use to check the NTP Server statistics on Linux servers. In the majority of organizations, this is one of the regularly used commands to monitor the NTP server performance...
In these commands, <IP address> is the IP address of a valid IPv4 NTP server using port 123.For example, for the admin user:Bash Copy root@xsense: ntp enable root@xsense: Turn off NTP time syncUse the following commands to turn off the synchronization for the appliance ...
In the example above, the ‘date’ command is used to check the system time. Keeping this time accurately synchronized with NTP servers ensures the reliability and accuracy of logs, timestamps, and other time-sensitive operations. Time Synchronization in Distributed Systems ...
Check if a service is running If you want to check if a server like http,smtp or ntp is running or not, use grep again. $ sudo netstat -aple | grep ntp udp 0 0 enlightened.local:ntp *:* root 17430 1789/ntpd udp 0 0 localhost:ntp *:* root 17429 1789/ntpd udp 0 0 *:ntp *...