"Missing information always give me the creeps."— Book, "The Long-Lost Yoyle City" (altered) This article has some missing information. You can help the Object Shows Community by adding the missing information. Reason: Most pages from p6 to around p120 lack the names of the creators of...
This study was undertaken with the aim to determine the carcass composition of three breeds of chicken and their correlation with growth performance. For this purpose, fifty Red Jungle Fowl (Gallus gallus Spadiceus), fifty Malaysian indigenous chickens (Gallus gallus Domesticus) and fifty broiler ch...
This paper reviews the meat-type chicken breeding with local breeds in China. The quality chickens are defined as purebred final products of local breeds, and semi-quality chickens as crossbreds of local breeds with specialized broiler (sire or dam) lines from western breeding organizations. The ...
This study aimed to evaluate the expression of previously reported avian sensory receptors in ten different sections of the chicken GIT and to determine the impact of two different stages of broiler development on the expression of the genes of interest. In addition, potential correlations between ...
Genome-Wide Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Data Unveil Admixture of Chinese Indigenous Chicken Breeds with Commercial Breeds The conservation and development of chicken have received considerable attention, but the admixture history of chicken breeds, especially Chinese indigenou......
(yes, there was a point when I was insecure…Seems like a different lifetime, but…haha). Nick taught me one of the most valuable lessons I would learn…That there are a ton of opinions in the fitness industry and that someone is always going to think you are wrong. True and ...
Many like me have purchased fresh hams, pumped them full of brine and smoked and cooked them with satisfactory results. Although good, they lack the depth of flavor of the country ham. A Country Ham is an entirely different, superior time consuming product produced by artisans for the last ...
The number of alleles ranged from 2 to 15 per locus, with a mean of 8.13. The average observed heterozygosity within native breeds varied between 0.46 and 0.59. The overall heterozygote deficiency (F IT) in native chicken was 0.234±0.025. Over 30.7% of F IT was contributed by within-...
The objective of this study was to select the suitable material for dry-cured chicken products by comparing the physicochemical, sensory and nutritional properties of dry-cured chicken products produced from breast and thigh meats from three different breeds, namely commercial Chinese crossed chickens(81...
SSD was male-biased in all chicken breeds, because males were 21.5 ± 0.55% (mean ± SE) heavier than females. The extent of SSD did not differ among breed categories (cock fighting, ornamental and breeds selected for egg and meat production). SSD of chicken breeds was not different from...