The use of traditional chicken breeds with a dual purpose (egg and meat production) has become a relevant topic in Germany mainly due to animal welfare concerns and the importance of conserving genetic variability in poultry farming. However, consumers have little knowledge about the different ...
The Malay Chicken is quite different from the previous breeds. For a start off, he is considered an aggressive chicken that is unlikely to get along with other animals and may well attack people. Also, while the previous breeds have been moderate to good layers, the Malay Chicken only lays...
Examples of different types of birds include perching birds such as sparrows and finches; large flightless birds such as ostriches and emus; raptors such as eagles and hawks; seabirds such as gulls and terns; waterfowl such as ducks and swans; and specialists such as flamingos, penguins, woodpec...
NOTE:The Danish Chicken Dog should not be confused with theDanish/Swedish Farmdog. The Danish/Swedish Farmdog and the Old Danish Chicken Dog are two entirely different breeds. This was mistakenly published in the Bruce Fogle's Encyclopedia of the Dog; the Farmdog was never known as the Chick...
To keep them active and refrain from sitting in a lazy corner, take them out for jogs or walks regularly following a completely different route. This should help them explore new things, thus making exercising interesting to them. If you find it is tough to housebreak your puppy, follow the...
Savannah kittens go through different feeding phases as they age. They are typically weaned from their mother and placed on a raw, ground chicken diet supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Around 9 to 12 weeks it is usually recommended the kitten is weaned off raw chicken and introduced to ...
Read below for information on 0 different animals that start with the letter H, from hammerhead sharks to hyenas. Hyenas are the most popular letter H animal. The least popular arehercules beetles, which at up to 7 inches long are the largest beetle species in the world. Some fun facts ab...
The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the top 10 most popular breeds year after year due to their attractive personality and small size, which makes them well-suited to apartment living. If you have been thinking about getting one of these amazing dogs but would like to know more about them first...
The Ragdoll is an affectionate and docile cat breed and is a great choice for first-time cat owners. Just remember that they may not be as vocal about their needs as other cat breeds. Therefore, it’s important for cat owners to really get to know their Ragdolls so that they remain hap...
The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) recognizes 49 rabbit breeds eligible for show. We’ve listed all 49 types of show rabbit breeds, which are also incredibly good pet breeds. And scroll to the end for the two cutest (non-show) rabbit breeds!