1、show ip int b是show ip interface brief 的缩写形式,意思是:查看当前设备上当前状态下所有接口的ip简单配置信息;show:查看,展示,ip:IP地址,interface:接口,brief:简洁的 2、如果是在交换机用户模式下面使用这个命令switch>show ip int b 是表示简单查看当前交换机下所有接口ip信息 ,包括...
switch#configure terminal switch(conf)#hostname hxsw-001 hxsw-001(conf)# enble secret ciscolab # 创建多个VLAN switch>enable #进入特权模式 switch#vlan data #进入VLAN配置模式 switch(vlan)#vlan 10 name IT #划分VLAN 10,名称为IT switch(vlan)#vlan 20 name HR #划分VLAN20,名称为HR switch(vlan...
IP fast switching is enabled IP fast switching on the same interface is enabled IP Flow switching is disabled IP CEF switching is enabled IP CEF Fast switching turbo vector IP multicast fast switching is enabled IP multicast distributed fast switching is disabled IP route-cache flags are Fast, C...
show ip cef vlan show ip cef vrf show ip cef with epoch show ip cef with source show adjacency To display information about the Cisco Express Forwarding adjacency table or the hardware Layer 3-switching adjacency table, use the show adjacency command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode. sh...
ip domain name yourdomain.com ! multilink bundle-name authenticated ! ... 3. show version show version命令用于显示设备的硬件信息、软件版本、配置寄存器信息以及设备启动时间等信息。 Router# show version 返回示例: Cisco IOS Software, 2800 Software (C2800NM-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 15.1(4)M10...
Solved: I have a small problem while studying and here it goes: I am using Packet tracer and while using it I type "show ip route" on any cisco switch that Packet tracer 5.3 have. That gives me an "Invalid input detected at
Cisco 交换机SHOW 命令详解cisco交换机show命令详解showcdpentry同showcdpneighbordetail命令一样但不能用于1900交换机showcdpinterface显示启用了cdp的特定接口showcdpneighbor显示直连的相邻设备及其详细信息showcdpneighbordetail显示ip地址和ios版本和类型并且包括showcdpneighbor命令显示的所有信息showcdptraffic显示设备发送和...
show pxf cpu ipv6 [ ipv6:address [ prefix ] | acl-prefixes | hash | summary ] Cisco 10000 Series Router show pxf cpu ipv6 [ acl-prefixes | address | hash | summary | table | vrf ] Syntax Description ipv6: address [prefix] (Optional) Specifies the IPv6 address and optional IP...
show ip interface//显示在路由器上配置的路由选择协议及与每个路由选择协议相关的定时器 show ip route//显示IP路由表 show ipx access-list//显示路由器上配置的IPX访问列表 trunk on//将一个端口设为永久中继模式 usemame name password//为了Cisco路由器的身份验证创建用户名和口令password variance//控制最佳度...