I always start by getting a brief high-level picture of all interfaces with the “show ip interface brief” command. As shown above, this shows me the IP address assigned to each physical interface, if the port is UP, if the protocol is UP etc. ...
7. show ip interface brief show ip interface brief命令用于快速查看设备的接口IP信息。这个命令可以帮助你了解设备的接口IP地址和状态。 Router# show ip interface brief 返回示例: Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol FastEthernet0/0 YES manual up up FastEthernet0/1 unassigned YES...
CISCO的show命令和interface命令大全 Showcdp查看交换机与路由器所连 showcdpentry*同showcdpneighbordetail命令一样,但不能用于1900交换机 showcdpinterface显示启用了CDP的特定接口 showcdpneighbor显示直连的相邻设备及其详细信息 showcdpneighbordetail显示IP地址和IOS版本和类型,并且包括showcdpneighbor命令显示的所有信息 ...
show ip interface brief命令用于快速查看设备的接口IP信息。这个命令可以帮助你了解设备的接口IP地址和状态。 Router# show ip interface brief 返回示例: Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol FastEthernet0/0 YES manual up up FastEthernet0/1 unassigned YESunsetadministratively down down...
switch(conf)#hostname hxsw-001 hxsw-001(conf)# interface vlan 1 hxsw-001(conf-if)#ip address #配置交换机端口IP和子网掩码 hxsw-001(conf-if)#no shut hxsw-001(conf-if)#exit hxsw-001(conf)#ip default-gateway 192.168.254 #设置网关地址 ...
CiscoShowInterface命令详解Cisco设备Show Interface命令详解 Show Interface命令输出信息量大,包含了该接口方方面面的统计信息,如下所示: Router#show interfaces fastethernet 3/0 FastEthernet3/0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is TSWITCH, address is 00e0.f7a4.5130 (bia 00e0.f7a4.5130) MTU 1500...
Cisco Show Interface命令详解Cisco设备Show Interface命令详解 Show Interface命令输出信息量大,包含了该接口方方面面的统计信息,如下所示: Router#show interfaces fastethernet 3/0 FastEthernet3/0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is TSWITCH, address is 00e0.f7a4.5130 (bia 00e0.f7a4.5130) MTU ...
1、show interface 命令详解2011-03-04 06:27:41| 分类: cisco | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 .Router#show interfaces e4/0Ethernet4/0 is up, line protocol is upHardware is Lance, address is 000b.bf30.f470 (bia 000b.bf30.f470)Internet address is 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit...
谁能帮忙详解下cisco的这个命令:show ip int 1、show ip int b是show ip interface brief 的缩写形式,意思是:查看当前设备上当前状态下所有接口的ip简单配置信息;show:查看,展示,ip:IP地址,interface:接口,brief:简洁的2、如果是在交换机用户模式下面使用这个命
ip address half-duplex ! 。。。 这是你发现,interface下面的所有内容都看见了。如果你只想该用户看到interface下面的ip地址信息。你可以这样设置: R1(config)#privilegeinterfacelevel 14 ip add 如果好要看其他信息,就逐句添加吧。比如: ...