Briley manufacturinghas a long history of building high-quality choke tubes in the United States. Briley also offers gunsmithing services to retrofit your shotgun barrel for a threaded or slide-in choke tube. Briley chokes are popular among competition trap and skeet shooters. Trulock Choke Tubes...
Turkey, usually combined with a turkey choke: Shot sizes: #6 to #1, B to BBB, T, F, also specialized Turkey models Gauges: 10ga to 20ga Big game & mid-sized game like deer and hogs (buckshot): Shot sizes: #4 Buck to #1 Buck ("buck" is added to differentiate from birdshot...
Eight Great Wordle-likes Looking for an alternative to Wordle? Here are eight of our favourite Wordle-likes to add to your morning puzzle routine.Watch on YouTube Note: we update this list at 8am (UK time) every day.So if you're in a later timezone and don't want to be spoiled, p...
Overwatch 2 is going to let non-support players heal themselves, to reduce the frustration of bad teamwork Now is the best time it’s ever been to jump into Overwatch 2 Overwatch 2's next hero is available to try this weekend