Briley manufacturinghas a long history of building high-quality choke tubes in the United States. Briley also offers gunsmithing services to retrofit your shotgun barrel for a threaded or slide-in choke tube. Briley chokes are popular among competition trap and skeet shooters. Trulock Choke Tubes...
Turkey, usually combined with a turkey choke: Shot sizes: #6 to #1, B to BBB, T, F, also specialized Turkey models Gauges: 10ga to 20ga Big game & mid-sized game like deer and hogs (buckshot): Shot sizes: #4 Buck to #1 Buck ("buck" is added to differentiate from birdshot...
size shot and pattern densities for the size of the game and the range of the target. Years ago, say you had an Remington 1100, your full choke barrel and maybe a skeet barrel and modified barrel. Nowadays most guns come with screw-in chokes from the factory. I can install a choke ...
Why Select a Trulock Choke Tube?(Article by Randy Wakeman) DOUBLE-BARRELED SHOTGUN INFORMATION: Affordable Doubles(Article by Chuck Hawks) American Side-by-Side Economy Shotguns: A.H. Fox Sterlingworth, Lefever Nitro Special, Parker Trojan, Savage/Fox Model B and Winchester Model 24(Article by...