11 years of ShortwaveSchedule.com, my my how time flies. Anyway, database's been updated to B21 (sorry for the delay). Merry Christmas and happy holidays! 27 May 2021 So, summer's here ... really ? Updated to A21 schedules, at least. More and more stations are off the air, sadly...
RNZ’s Transmission Engineer Specialist Steve White said the project to replace the 34-year-old transmitter at the Rangitaiki broadcast site near Taupo had gone smoothly – being on budget and achieved without disruption to service. “We have appreciated the close working relationship with Ampegon f...
Prime Time Short Wave--Your guide for English shortwave broadcast schedules Also See Great SWL Web Pages AM, FM & TV STATIONS Introduction to Mediumwave and Shortwave DXing- From TheOntario DX Association (ODXA) of Canada. Distant AM Station Reception Hobby150kHz to 1800kHz ...
Shortwave Broadcast Schedules displays the transmission schedules of shortwave radio stations from all around the world. You need a shortwave radio to receive them. The stations are initially listed in order by frequency. You can tap a button to see which stations are on the air right now, as ...
click on a transmission, and your receiver will be changed to that frequency. Likewise, tune in a station on SdrDx, and the SWBC Schedules window will automatically update to show all possible stations that you could be listening to, with transmissions currently on the air highlighted in bold...
If you already understand the difference between mHz and kHz and how to find frequencies on your radio, then skip to broadcasting schedules!The World Radio and TV Handbook is a fantastic broadcast schedule resource, but to understand listings, you need to undertand how to read shortwave ...
The schedules are updated frequently. This is essential given that broadcasters need to change frequencies depending on propagation. One of the most interesting functions of the app is the ability to listen to shortwave broadcasts from receivers located around the globe. ...
Hundreds Of SWL Stations Transmitting In English to The USA Prime Time Short Wave--Your guide for English shortwave broadcast schedules Also See Great SWL Web Pages === AMANDX DX AssociationLots of SWL Info -- Antennas, Receivers, Codes ANARC Club Home...
Based on the station formats, schedules, and real life events we can conclude there are two different agencies in Russia we believe to be operating numbers stations. These are named the Russian 6 and Russian 7 operators which are likely the GRU and SVR respectively. Both operators commonly targ...
Hard-Core DX | DXWorld.com | DXing.com | Primetimeshortwave.com Lots of fresh schedules. Shortwave Radio Listening Resource Center | What’s on Right Now A Great Hot Shortwave Link List from hfradio.org Popular Communications Magazine Shortwave Frequency Guide (All frequencies shown in kHz) Fr...