really ? Updated to A21 schedules, at least. More and more stations are off the air, sadly. Thank you again for your support: Larry B., Martin H. and Luis V. ! Much appreciated, OM. 23 Dec 2020 Wow, 9 years :) didn't put an update specifically for this yet, but the site has...
Skywave Schedules App will allow you to search a comprehensive, regularly updated, database of shortwave radio broadcasts. Many thanks toSWLing Postcontributor, Cap, who has just notified me that his shortwave radio schedules app for Android–Skywave Radio Schedules–is now available via the Googl...
Prime Time Short Wave -- Your guide for English shortwave broadcast schedules Also See Great SWL Web Pages DXing.Com -- All about SWLing and DXing -- From Universal Radio FAQ'S ABOUT SHORTWAVE RADIO --From National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters, Inc. Shortwave Radio Information -...
While the detail page shows a 15% coupon, ignore that and place the desired radio from the links below in the cart and during checkout type in the discount code and apply. The results should look like what is listed below. You can review the price with discount before placing the order....
App to Display Shortwave Radio SWBC Schedules on your iPhone or iPad (Also available for Android) Are you a shortwave radio listener (SWL) in need of an up to date set of schedules for international broadcast statio...
ACARS lets you view ACARS transmissions on your iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. Just connect it to a VHF radio (or even set it next to the radio's speaker), tune in an ACARS frequency, and watch the decodes. Decodes can be automatically saved to an acars.txt file on your device's ...
Radio waves in the shortwave band can be reflected or refracted from a layer of electrically charged atoms in the atmosphere called the ionosphere over extremely long distances. Skywave Schedules is just the ticket for anyone wanting to listen and identify stations broadcasting on shortwave. ...
We do not encourage any radio operations contrary to regulations. Always consult with the appropriate authorities if you have questions concerning what is permissible in your locale. « previous next » Print Pages: [1] Author Topic: Shortwave Broadcast Schedules for iPhone and iPad updated (...
International Broadcasters on Short-wave Radio-- From Steve R. Adams Top 1000 HF SWL Frequencies -- From Monitoring Times Hundreds Of SWL Stations Transmitting In English to The USA Prime Time Short Wave--Your guide for English shortwave broadcast schedules ...
Shortwave Radio Schedules This app provides schedules and frequencies for shortwave radio broadcasts throughout the world. Information is also included on some utility stations, Firedrake jammer etc. Information is taking from the Eibi schedule ( The app has the following...