Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys used commonly in Excel. Shortcuts for Workbook, Worksheet, Data, Formatting, Copy Paste Shortcuts and other
For easy and quick result, we have compiled over 230 ComprehensiveKeyboard shortcuts in Excelfor Windows. Below is a listing of most of the major shortcut keys and key combinations usable in Microsoft Excel. File tab Shortcut Keys Close current workbookCtrl+F4 ...
excle中所有的快捷键(All shortcut keys in excle)The best answer is in the help. For example, my name is 2007, search the shortcut key in the help, and you can find the Excel shortcut key and function key Ctrl combination shortcut key Button description Ctrl+Shift+ (to hide all ...
Insert Hyperlink in Excel (Shortcut) Insert Column in Excel (Shortcut) Add New Sheet in Excel (Shortcut) Other Excel Tutorials You May Also Like: How to Get the Cell Address Instead Of Value In Excel? How to Change Font Color Based on Cell Value in Excel? How to Insert Sheet Name in...
F10 activation menu Shfit+F10 activates the right-click menu [note] when you use the shortcut key to activate the menu, you can use the up and down arrow keys to move in the menu bar. For the submenu, you can move the arrow with the left and right arrow. When you move to the ...
Shortcuts for the Visual Basic Editor Shortcut keyActionMenu equivalent comments F1HelpHelp F2View Object BrowserView, Object Browser F3Find Next F4Properies WindowView, Properties Window F5Run Sub/Form or Run MacroRun, Run Macro F6Switch Split Windows ...
Ctrl + I It is used to put italics on all cells in the selected section. It can also be done by pressing Ctrl+3. Ctrl + K It provides the option to insert a hyperlink in a file. Ctrl + L It enables you to access the create table dialog box. Ctrl + N Its use is to open th...
Shift+F2ShortcutKeyCtrl+Shift+VCtrl+PageDownCtrl+PageUpCtrl+GShift+BackspaceInsert+C MainJawsKeystrokesInExcel DescriptionSayVersionofExcelMovetoNextSheetMovetoPriorSheetGotoacellcommandCollapseSelectionToActiveCellSayActiveCellCoordinates AutoSumFormulaModeInsertDateInCurrentCellInsertTimeInCurrentCellCurrentColumn...
IHyperlink IHyperlinks IIcon IIconCriteria IIconCriterion IIconSet IIconSetCondition IIconSets IInterior ILabel ILabels ILeaderLines ILegend ILegendEntries ILegendEntry ILegendKey ILine ILinearGradient ILines ILinkFormat IListBox IListBoxes IListColumn IListColumns IListDat...
Shift + F3With the help of these keys, you can open the MS-Excel formula window Shift + F5When you press these keys together it will open the search box F11The F11 key is used to create a chart in MS-Excel Ctrl + Shift +;With the help of these keys, you can enter the current ...