The Black Death and Subsequent Plague Waves in Fourteenth-Fifteenth-Century East Central Europe - A Short Introductiondoi:10.47074/HSCE.2024-1.01Bauch, MartinVadas, AndrásHistorical Studies on Central Europe (HSCE)
All hail, then, the sci-fi short story, bringing you a slice of the weird, the mind-expanding and the futuristic in pocket-sized format.Did you know that Hugo Gernsback, after whom science fiction’s biggest awards, the Hugos, are named, came up with the term science ...
In the dark between the stars, the Venture finally passed back into the light of an Imperial sun. As the ice vaporizes off the hull, its pitted surface showed the wear and tear of ‘stratum travel and the transition back to C space. As the sunlight strikes the hull, the radiation of t...
Standing in that field, she was acutely aware of the proximity to the land on which she was raised. Her mother, subverting all expectations of women in her day, not only launched a farm all on her own, but she named it after herself too. Olympia was a product of women’s liberation,...
A“herd” is a large group of shuffling zombies; a term ripped from the pages of Robert Kirkman’s The Walking Dead graphic novels, and brought to life as the highest rated television show on the face of the planet. Popular culture is currently being engulfed by its own zombie herd. We...