What was a long term effect of the Industrial Revolution? How long did the Vichy Regime last? How long has the Darfur genocide lasted? How was the Glorious Revolution dependent on previous English history? How did the Second Agricultural Revolution affect the world?
This paper presents novel insights into the long-term chronological patterns related to the distribution and consumption of amphora-borne foodstuffs in Italy. The study specifically focuses on the consumption of wine, olive oil and fish sauces, which exhibit diverse provenances. Notably, it contributes...
30. The Orphanage (2007) (Image credit: Warner Bros) The movie: J.A. Bayona’s 2007 Spanish-language spookfest The Orphanage is one of those brilliant horror movies that scares the life out of you and breaks your heart in one ghost-child-filled go. Produced by Guillermo Del Toro, it...
Economists disagree on the intensity of the long-term effect of pandemics on the accumulation of human capital. Bleakley (2010) shows that the effect of the pandemic on schooling is uncertain due to the simultaneous decrease in both benefits (following lessons is more difficult) and opportunity co...
The residual effect of fipronil persisted for 12 months. Efficacy of fipronil seems comparable with DeltaDust, which exhibited a residual effect for 10 months in prior studies. Continued research is needed to optimize fipronil treatments for plague management on prairie dog colonies....
The advent of metal processing was one of the key technological evolutions presaging the development of modern society. However, the interplay between metal use and the long-term changes it induced in the development and functioning of past societies remains unclear. We present a compilation of glo...
Nagel and Wood use this term in the context of the periodic overpainting of panel paintings, but their arguments are also relevant to more ephemeral forms of maintenance work. 66 “diligentius corpus mortuum sepulchro claudunt forti, et operiunt, seu ornant picto, dum quicquid rugosum, et...
The inorganic layers with high Young's modulus are often fragile and they will break down due to the volume change of LMAs during cycling, causing inhomogeneous Li+ flux and failing in offering long-term cycling stability. Hybrid artificial SEI with soft organic components and rigid inorganic Li...
Texarkana Texas police have finally been able to make an arrest in the 2016 murder of Fred Griffin, who was shot several times in his home on Waterman Street in January 2016. Police are also still ready to make a second arrest in this case. ...
Let’s face it. To be sure, there is no safety for anyone who will not accept a level of risk that in practical terms means that any participation in a return to what, for the rhetorical convenience of the term that we all somehow still understand, I’ll call “normal,” will mean ...