Discover an endless feed of Short Story writing prompts, sent to your inbox weekly. Ready to be inspired?
#shortstory# 一个畸形儿,被装在罐子里过活的畸形儿。一开始医院的诊断是无法行走,在罐子里住久了以后身躯和腿贴在了一起,只有两条细得过分的胳膊可以从罐口和脖子的缝隙间伸出来。ta的母亲也是个皱皱巴巴、干瘪的人,在一间转身走两步就能碰壁的房子里,像被困在玻璃杯罩子下的蚂蚁一样,忙得团团转。ta小心...
#ShortStory# 一个农村老太太,一生都在受罪,幼时父母爱哥哥弟弟不爱她,说她迟早吃里爬外,脏活累活都丢给她做,惹得不开心了就一顿毒打。没有上过学,后面进厂子了打工,让人相亲嫁给了老伴——一个跑长途的货车司机。人老实憨厚,她以为自己能获得幸福,可惜天下男人一个样。结婚后不久,这男人开始不装了,抽烟喝...
Hundreds of short story ideas and free fiction writing prompts that you can use for own creative writing. Bye-bye Writer’s Block! And check out our free writing courses on how to write a story.
Thanks so much. I hope you enjoy my story. January 31, 2021 byLinda G. Hill29 Comments #JusJoJan prompt the 31st –“Candy” (FICTION) (Thanks to Janet Jim their prompts. I completely ran out of time, ...
Good writing. Trevor More short story starters No Comments »15th May, 2019; Category: Short Fiction, Short Stories, Short Story Starters, Writing prompts Over the many years of writing articles on this site, I have written many posts listing what I call Short Story Starters. They have pr...
Discover fun, fabulous short story ideas for kids—It’s no secret nor magic. Good writing starts with good ideas. And now your students can use these fun writing prompts and story starters as inspiration to write 30 individual short stories. Oh yeah!
You can keep an open mind when coming up with creative story ideas and be willing to experiment. Try writing prompts, visual inspiration, or even working with other writers. There is no need to fear experimenting because sometimes you will find new ground. The more you challenge yourself, the...
Romance Story Prompts Sci-fi Story Ideas Fantasy Story Ideas Horror Story Prompts Why Creative Writing Prompts Are Helpful Below, you'll find our best creative writing prompts and plot ideas for every genre, but first, why do we use prompts? Is it just a waste of time, or can they actual...
You’re probably wondering to yourself:Is this just another list of writing prompts? I’m glad you asked. The answer is a resounding, “No.” There are hundreds of blog posts and articles out there containing dozens upon dozens of short story writing prompts. That’s all well and good, ...