WritingPrompts 24-08-5 20:15 发布于 四川 来自 微博网页版 #shortstory# 我是个农家的孩子,祖祖辈辈都是种地的,从小跟着爹娘学种地。我有个好朋友,是最好最好的朋友。他是我邻居家的孩子,祖祖辈辈也是种地的,但他爹是读书人,所以他从小跟他爹念书,偶尔种地。他跟我说,他以后要当丞相,就是他爹说的...
(FICTION) (Thanks to Judy Hendrickson, awesome newsletter subscriber, for the idea for the story. This is Part 5 of the story. Part 1 ishere, Part 2 ishere, Part 3 ishereand Part 4 ishere.) It took Lavender two days to brew the right potion to correct Trigger’s eyesight. In that...
#ShortStory# 一个农村老太太,一生都在受罪,幼时父母爱哥哥弟弟不爱她,说她迟早吃里爬外,脏活累活都丢给她做,惹得不开心了就一顿毒打。没有上过学,后面进厂子了打工,让人相亲嫁给了老伴——一个跑长途的货车司机。人老实憨厚,她以为自己能获得幸福,可惜天下男人一个样。结婚后不久,这男人开始不装了,抽烟喝...
Reddit Ideas –Basically the perfect resource for suggested stories,Writing Promptsis a Reddit thread. Take a situational sentence, expand on it for your short film and make sure to credit the source! Plot Generator– This site generates a customized short story based on various suggestions you c...
作者:Yvonne Collioud Sisko 出品人: 页数:400 译者: 出版时间:2008-7 价格:242.00元 装帧: isbn号码:9780205617661 丛书系列: 图书标签: World of Short Stories 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 The World of the Short Story, 2/e introduces a selection of short stories from around the globe into...
The prompts are often more like writing exercises that get the ink flowing, but they don’t produce real short stories. Things like “tell the story of a scar” or “tell a story about what happens when you come upon a big fortune.” Give me a break. ...
Discover fun, fabulous short story ideas for kids—It’s no secret nor magic. Good writing starts with good ideas. And now your students can use these fun writing prompts and story starters as inspiration to write 30 individual short stories. Oh yeah!
“How am I supposed to know about the latest and greatest if I don’t follow my favourite XYZ on Social Media?”, one might ask. Well, here’s something I want to ask you: When was the last time you wanted to check News on Facebook/Twitter/Reddit/InsertHere and got sucked up in...
#ShortStory# 她惊醒了。凌晨五点,还不到去学校的时候,她想起梦里的内容,从书里摸出一把刀片,在台灯的光线下,找到手臂上一块还有部分留白的皮肤,缓缓抹开。不一样的是,这次她被自己的血烫伤了。血液要逃离她的身体一样,从腕口争先恐后地溢出,滴落在桌上的血液甚至微微烧坏了桌面。原来她的身体真的产生了...
#ShortStory# 我班新来了一位转学生。因为我有着天生倒霉的体质,和我走得近的人都会有霉运,所以班里没人愿意和我当同桌。而这位转学生很不幸成为了我的同桌。少年背着书包神情自若地坐到我旁边,听课时脊背挺得很直。我恹恹趴在桌子上,斜眼看了他一下。嗯,看起来是个好人。我决定避免和这位同学说话,以免影响...