Jafar, DhahirHawlyat Al-Montada
I first came to his works via the short story, and it is in the short form I know his work best. In short works he’s more experimental, and yet also personal, finding in the brief images of a story, the memories, the personalities, of those around us. The same sense of the pers...
20. I thought about this story for a few moments, then I forgot it. 21. His conviction sustained him in this long and arduous labor. 22. The judges deemed that it is in the interest of the child to have legal ties with the adults who wanted him and who raised him since his birth....
After the video say “Readers, think about the way the author tells the story. How does the author use music to set the tone and mood? Turn and share with your partner.” Partner A shares first; then partner B can either agree or disagree, using “I think the author”…”I agree be...
Ali, KausarAmbreen, SadafBegum, RaniSadiq, Sidraul Haq, TaqwimSahar, NaziaJournal of Positive School Psychology