short story n (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) a prose narrative of shorter length than the novel, esp one that concentrates on a single theme Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, ...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to short: short story, Short fictionshort (shôrt) adj. short·er, short·est 1. Having little length; not long. 2. Having little height; not tall. 3. Extending or traveling not far or ...
Each of my Italian short story books features bite-sized chapters you can read in minutes, cultural insights to deepen your connection with Italy and its culture, and retention activities to reinforce everything you’ve learned. Everyone claims to have easy books for beginners, and I’ve bought...
The rich were dull and they drank too much or they played too much backgammon. They were dull and they were repetitious. He remembered poor Scott Fitzgerald and his romantic awe of them and how he had started a story once that began, “The rich are different from you and me.” And how...
Diction, Short Story, Essays The aim of the research was to find out the diction used by students in composing short stories. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. The data source for this research was short stories written by students of class XI at...
You can also explore some grammar points and Idioms & Expressions as we... Level: intermediate Age: 14-17 Type: worksheet Cambodian Short Stories (Story 1 & 2 + key included) These are the 2 famous short stories in Cambodia. It has been taught since the elementary school as it is ...
These two idioms have the same meaning. Have students listen carefully to this story, then, collectively, tell the story orally in their own words. To encourage oral replies, you could ask the following leading questions.How did Mick get the job? / Why was Sophie not very pleased? / ...
short story short subject short temper short ton short wave short whist shortage short-beaked short-billed short-billed marsh wren short-bodied shortbread shortbread cookie shortcake short-change short-circuit shortcoming shortcut Shortcuts short-dated short-eared shorten shortened shortener shortening short...
Start with coming up with interesting characters, the setting of the story, dialogues between the characters etc. Once your character development is complete - create an exciting storyline filled with twists and turns that keeps the viewers in suspense until the end. The entire conversation and ...
Similar Idioms Short shrift The short straw A day late and a dollar short Short end of the stick Short-change Short horse soon curried Deep pockets but short arms The long and short Strain at the leash Off the leash Cut a long story short In the short run Idiom eBooks from UsingEnglish...