如果您在 Shopify 后台中更改了任何设置并且不再满足 Buy on Google 的要求,则 Buy on Google 会自动暂停。 设置Buy On Google 有关完整的设置说明,请参阅 Google Merchant Center 帮助中的针对 Youtube 设置 Buy on Google。 备注 标准第三方交易手续费适用于通过 Buy on Google 处理的所有订单。在 2022...
If a customer wants to return an item that they bought using Buy on Google, then they need to follow Google's process to return an order. Google allows for two different return window options: 30 days or 1 year. The option that applies to your business is determined by the return window...
and Buy on Google. Percentage, fixed amount, and automatic discount codes sync to Google. Buy X get Y discounts don't sync to Google. If you want to offer buy x get y discounts, then you need to set them up in your Google Merchant Center. ...
We've made it easier than ever to sell directly on Google and let buyers check out with the Google & YouTube app for Shopify. We’ve recently launched Buy On Google so you can offer your buyers an accelerated checkout method for faster conversion and a better buyer experience. Plus, earl...
Shopping Actions (Buy on Google) US Shopping Actions is a program that allows you to display products in multiple places and enables shoppers to “Buy on Google.” These ads appear in standard Google Search results, the Shopping tab,YouTube, and Google Images, and via Google Assistant and in...
第一步,制作或者Google下载一个与网站风格差不多的Buy On Amazon的图片,格式为JPG或者是PNG的; 第二步,点击Settings--Files—Upload Files,把做好的图片上传到网站上,「咨询耀阳会:info@yaoyanghui.com」并且把上传到网站的图片地址复制下来。下面一个步骤就是关键,为站点生成代码: ...
首先依据我们的 Shopify 网站风格,设计一个格式为 jpg 或者 png 的 buy on Amazon 的按钮,Google 图片上可以找到一大堆,你可以找一张,然后PS下,拿来用。或者直接用 Canva 设计一张图片。图片设置好之后上传到 Shopify,然后将其插入到产品页面产品描述的最上方,居中操作之后,再给图片插入链接,将亚马逊上该产品的链...
1 首先依据你的Shopify网站风格,设计一个格式为jpg,png的buy on Amazon的按钮,Google图片上可以找到一大堆,你可以找一张,然后简单PS下,拿来用。 2 进入Shopify后台 - Setting - Files,点击右上角的Upload Files按钮,将PS好的Buy on Amazon按钮的图片上传到你的Shopify网站中,并且复制该图片的URL地址. ...
1 首先依据你的Shopify网站风格,设计一个格式为jpg,png的buy on Amazon的按钮,Google图片上可以找到一大堆,你可以找一张,然后简单PS下,拿来用。 2 进入Shopify后台 – Setting – Files,点击右上角的Upload Files按钮,将PS好的Buy on Amazon按钮的图片上传到你的Shopify网站中,并且复制该图片的URL地址. ...
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