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Hi there I’ve always used Google Chrome to access Shopify admin but for the past two days I’ve been unable to access it from my iMac, please help. Thank you
Seamlessly log in to your Shopify account. Manage your store, inventory, products, and automations. Track & handle orders, taxes, payouts & much more.
Seamlessly log in to your Shopify account. Manage your store, inventory, products, and automations. Track & handle orders, taxes, payouts & much more.
Google Chrome requires you to authorize the use of Amazon Connect cookies. Tip IT admins: For more information, see Using Amazon Connect with third-party cookies. If you are prompted to allow access to your microphone and speaker, choose Allow. You're all set to go! Problems logging in?
Solved: I am getting an error and cannot log in when I try to log into the iOS application with the same credentials that work when I log into Shopify from a browser. The error says " An error occurred. If you see this message again, contact support
In 2023, major consumer brands like Amazon, Apple, CVSHealth, DocuSign, Google, PayPal, Shopify started supporting passkeys.According to the FIDO Alliance, this covered more than 7 billion user accounts. Password managers such as 1Password also added passkey support, giving users a secure and co...
(We analyzed how Shopify handles this and determined they have a better approach) Improved - We also adjusted some margins and padding to help use screen real estate better for the mobile Side Cart. Fix - Fix issue where VAT taxes were removed twice when used with currency plugins such as ...
Your sitemap is an essential, but fairly easy part of SEO for your Shopify website. Thankfully, it's built into Shopify and there's almost nothing to do. The keyword being "almost". If you do absolutely nothing, you may run into problems. In this guide, we'll cover all the fundament...
New and returning visitors to a product often get frustrated when caught in a loop of password reset links and confirmation codes, meanwhile for others the process is seamless. Single sign-on options from Google, Apple and Shopify have raised the bar around how simple and secure the experience...