Shi-Siming 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. she took part in many research works and won "Shi Siming Fund Award" second-class awards and the Technology Progress Award in shanghai. 曾参加各项科研工作,获得“施思明基金奖励”二等奖,上海市医学科技成果奖等。©...
史思明 Shǐ Sī míng Shi Siming (703-761), non-Han military man and colleague of An Lushan 安祿山|安禄山[An1 Lu4 shan1], eventually conspirator with him in the 755-763 An-Shi Rebellion 安史之亂|安史之乱[An1 Shi3 zhi1 Luan4] against the Tang dynasty ...
Shǐ Sī míng Shi Siming (703-761), non-Han military man and colleague of An Lushan 安祿山|安禄山[An1 Lu4 shan1], eventually conspirator with him in the 755-763 An-Shi Rebellion 安史之亂|安史之乱[An1 Shi3 zhi1 Luan4] against the Tang dynasty ...
(locate) by the Blossom Bathing Brook of Chengdu City,is the former residence of Du Fu,a great poet of Tang Dynasty of China.In the winter of AD 759,Du Fu and his family(2) fled(flee)to Chengdu in order to seek refuge from the "Rebellion of An Lushan and ...
(locate) by the Blossom Bathing Brook of Chengdu City,is the former residence of Du Fu, (2) a great poet of Tang Dynasty of China.In the winter of AD 759,Du Fu and his family (3) fled(flee) to Chengdu in order to seek refuge from the "Rebellion of An Lu...
1) The Shi family of Siming 四明史氏2) paintings of Master Shi's ancestors in Siming 四明史氏祖像3) The History of Ming Dynasty 《明史》 1. On the Historical Values of The History of Ming Dynasty Compiled by Bo-Xue-Hong-Ru; 论博学鸿儒《明史》之独特价值 2. The compilation of ...
石榴诗 史思明的诗词 三月四月红花里,五月六月瓶子里。作刀割破黄胞衣,六七千个赤男女。 174浏览0喜欢 樱桃子诗 史思明的诗词 樱桃子,半赤半已黄。一半与怀王,一半与周至。 149浏览598喜欢 樱桃子诗 史思明的诗词 樱桃一笼子,半赤半已黄。一半与怀王,一半与周至。
天宝年间,史思明因为军功显赫而被授平卢兵马使。唐玄宗这位中国历史上颇有作为的风流君主,在开创了开元盛世的繁荣局面之后,不曾料想正是自己视为心腹的爱将史思明和安禄山,发动了使他被迫背井离乡的“安史之乱”。从此以后,兴盛强大的唐政权变得千疮百孔,不堪一击。 唐开元、天宝年间,唐代的封建经济发展到了顶峰,然而...