Instead, he took a huge cut in salary and rolled up his former international shirtsleeves for the fight. 但是,他大副降薪卷起他的前国家队袖子来跟球队并肩作战。 4. The smaller gangster had his jacket off and one of his shirtsleeves rolled up. 那个小个子脱了他的外套,一...
shirtsleeves释义 常用 牛津词典 (pl. n. 衬衣袖子;双语例句 全部 1. He rolled up his shirtsleeves. 他挽起了衬衫袖子。 来自柯林斯例句 2. Franklin went to work in his shirtsleeves. 富兰克林穿着衬衫去上班了。 来自柯林斯例句 3. His shirtsleeves were rolled up, and his brown arms were bare to ...
There was Walter Cronkiteinshirtsleeves,with amicrophoneinfrontofhim. 沃尔特克朗凯特在衬衫,在他面前的麦克风。 3. Instead,hetook a hugecutin salary androlleduphisformerinternationalshirtsleevesforthefight. 但是,他大副降薪卷起他的前国家队袖子来跟球队并肩作战。
shirtsleeves是什么意思网络解释 白领 词组短语 1.shirtsleevesmaintenance便衣维护 用法例句 1. I rolled up myshirtsleevesand picked up the razor strop. 我卷起我的衬衫袖子,拿起磨刀皮带。 2. On hot days the men in the office work in theirshirtsleeves. ...
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shirtsleeves 释义 (pl. n. 衬衣袖子 实用场景例句 全部 He rolled up hisshirtsleeves. 他挽起了衬衫袖子。 柯林斯例句 Franklin went to work in hisshirtsleeves. 富兰克林穿着衬衫去上班了。 柯林斯例句 Hisshirtsleeveswere rolled up, and his brown arms were bare to the elbows....
Shirtsleeves X (Deluxe Edition) Ed Sheeran 歌词 I can taste salt water. 我可以试着尝尝海水的滋味 And if I blink again, 如果我再眨一次眼 We'll be sinking in 我们大概就会一起沉没 So I learned to swim in the oceans you made 那样我就能学会如何在你的海洋里游泳...
网易云音乐发现音乐 我的音乐 关注 商城 音乐人 云推歌 下载客户端 登录 创作者中心 音乐/视频/电台/用户 推荐 排行榜 歌单 主播电台 歌手 新碟上架上一首 播放/暂停 下一首 00:00 / 00:00 收藏 分享 0
shirtsleevesS 开头单词回到顶部基本解释同根派生英汉例句 基本解释 n.衬衣袖子;只穿衬衣的穿衣方式 adj.无需穿外衣的;不正式的或直来直去的 名词shirtsleeve的复数形式. 同根派生 shirtsleeves相关词 英汉例句 You caught me in my shirtsleeves. 我正好衣冠不整,给人撞见了。 He was shivering with cold in ...