材料 白米麴種 Koji Rice 100 g ( 不一定用日本進口的麴種,一般的米麴都可以。肥丁在 citysuper 購入,一包約 200 g,可做兩次,未用完的米麴需放進雪櫃保存 ) 海鹽Sea Salt 20 ~ 25 g ( 肥丁不喜歡太鹹,可按自己口味可增減 ) 礦泉水 Mineral Water 150 ml ( 可用冷開水代替 ) 鹽麴雞腿 雞腿Chicken...
Shio koji tenderises and impart umami flavours to the saba fish. Grilled in the oven to make clean-up fuss free, it's the perfect weeknight dinner option.