Ultrafast Performance - patented ultrafast technologies used in Shimadzu LC-MS/MS platforms to deliver outstanding speed UFaccumulation™(Pat. US 10020181) Ion accumulation in the collision cell, synchronized perfectly with short cycles of data acquisition, maximizes sensitivity. UFgrating™(Pat. US ...
Since 1875, Shimadzu is pursuing leading-edge science and technologies in analytical and measuring instruments including chromatographs and mass spectrometers, medical devices, aeronautics, and industrial equipment.
氮气纯度99.5%,流量40L/min,内置空压机,壁挂式/柜式箱体,整套系统占地面积不超过0.4平方米,质谱配套氮气发生器。适配Agilent安捷伦,Thermo Fisher赛默飞,AB SCIEX,沃特世Waters ,布鲁克 Bruker,岛津Shimadzu,PerkinElmer珀金埃尔默等品牌液质联用仪LC-MS。 提供3年10000小时质保服务。
Shimadzu has launched the worlds fastest LC-MSMS, the LCMS-8040, which offers users increased levels of productivity as it enables laboratories to run more scans and collect more data from fewer sample injections. An expansion of Shimadzus ultrafast mass spectrometry UFMS series, the instrument ...
AB Sciex 4500 LC-MS/MS 液质联用仪 Qtrap质谱技术 多功能科研级质谱仪 ¥56.80万 查看详情 AB Sciex Triple Quad 6500+ 三重四级杆液相色谱串联质谱仪 LCMSMS系统 ¥185.00万 查看详情 AB SCIEX X500R QTOF LCMS 液质联用仪 LC-MS/MS 液相色谱串联质谱仪 ¥120.60万 查看详情 AB SCIEX 质谱仪系列 4500 ...
SCIEX Triple Quad 5500 LC-MS/MS 产品简介 特点 灵敏度与选择性 5500系列作为三重四极杆质谱仪,具备出色的检测限和信噪比,为严格定量分析提供了有力支持。QJet-2离子导入技术 此技术显著提升了系统灵敏度,优化了真空分配,进而提高了离子化效率和传输速率。弯曲LINAC碰撞室 该设计增强了离子传输速度,扩大了离子...
AB SCIEX 质谱仪系列 4500 Triple Quad 三重四极杆 LC-MS/MS 液质联用仪 ¥65.80万 查看详情 安捷伦 Agilent 8890 GC气相色谱仪 - 7000气质联用仪 色谱分析 随心搭配 ¥28.90万 获取底价 上海善福电子科技有限公司 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 获取底价 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 是否支持加工定制 否 是...
Shimadzu’s New Peak Picking Software for LC-MS/MS Simplifies Data Analysis and Enables a More Productive Laboratory
Stop Running on Empty with Smarter Workflows and Improved Sample Traceability Simplify High-Throughput LC/MS Decisions for Your Lab Safeguarding Cell Therapies with the Latest Refrigeration Technology Get to know us Lab Manager Magazine View Latest Issue January/February 2025...
型号 LCMSMS8050 LCMS-8050可在单次分析中同时获得的定量和定性信息。在保证定量准确性的同时,可进行MS/MS扫描和MRM定量。岛津采用0.1u的步频,使得即便在30,000u/sec的速度下也可获得稳定可靠的MS/MS扫描。 一个分析仅耗时1分钟基于高速正负极切换的CYP抑制试验实施正负离子同时测定时,极性切换所需时间对于定量精...