类型 岛津GC-MS 品种 气相色谱-质谱联用仪 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格不同而发生变化,如用户与商家线下达成协议,以线下协议的结算价格为准,如用户在爱采购上完成线上购买,则最终以订单结算页价格为准。 抢购价:...
Shimadzu introduces the Brevis™ GC-2050 which consumes less power than conventional models Oct 11, 2023|2min read Product News New Infrared Microscope Maximizes Automation and Improves Microsample Analysis byShimadzu The AIMsight microscope features automated analysis functions and provides high sensitivit...
二手岛津GC-2010 Plus气相色谱仪现货促销成色新带质保 ¥5.00万 查看详情 全新进口赛默飞电喷雾CAD检测器 全国上门安装和质保 ¥12.00万 查看详情 赛默飞Thermo Q Exactive™ 组合型四极杆 Orbitra 质谱仪 超高性价比 ¥50.00万 查看详情 安捷伦Agilent 5975GCMS气质联用仪,成色新,性能好,可上门安装培训 ¥20.00...
英文名称:Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 Plus,Ultra,GCMS-QP2010SE,GC-2010 GC,HS-40总访问:97517 国产/进口:进口半年访问:286 产地/品牌:日本,岛津,Shimadzu,GC-MS,HS-40,顶空进样器产品类别:质谱仪 型号:GCMS-QP2010,Plus,Ultra,QP2010SE,HS-40最后更新:2025-3-8 ...
In this webinar, we will explore how Shimadzu’s latest GC-MS instruments, in combination with the multi-platform software LabSolutions and LabSolutions Insight, enable successful detection, quantitation, and suspect screening of VOCs and SVOCs. Plus, discover how these tools support EPA methods, ...
Since 1875, Shimadzu is pursuing leading-edge science and technologies in analytical and measuring instruments including chromatographs and mass spectrometers, medical devices, aeronautics, and industrial equipment.
安捷伦 Agilent 7890B GC 气相色谱系统 7000A 气质联用仪 质谱分析仪器 ¥36.80万 查看详情 三重四极杆液质联用仪 安捷伦 Agilent 6430 Triple Quad LC-MS/MS分析 ¥26.00万 查看详情 液相色谱系统 安捷伦 Agilent 1290 Infinity II 可升级模块设计UHPLC ¥36.80万 本店由找商网运营支持 获取底价 苏州市莱顿科...
AB SCIEX X500R QTOF LCMS 液质联用仪 LC-MS/MS 液相色谱串联质谱仪 ¥ 1206000.00 安捷伦 Agilent 7820A 气相色谱仪 高性价比 GC 系统 实验室分析仪器 ¥ 98000.00 安捷伦 Agilent 6890/7890/8860/8890 气相色谱仪 | 可选进样口检测器 ¥ 258000.00 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 咨询底价 品牌...
The Shimadzu single quadrupole GCMS-QP2020 NX gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) not only boasts the best performance in its class, but also the highest efficiency. This new high-end single-quad GCMS excels in both ease-of-use and robustness. The role of high-performance analytical ...