The durability of all of the pumps has been improved in several ways. All of the plungers used in the Prominence series pumps are specially machined to exploit the sapphire’s crystal structure proper-ties. The plungers obtained from this process have the best hardness and highest chemical ...
Since 1875, Shimadzu is pursuing leading-edge science and technologies in analytical and measuring instruments including chromatographs and mass spectrometers, medical devices, aeronautics, and industrial equipment.
sensitivity and speed – to enable users to effortlessly conduct critical qualitative and quantitative analysis with genuine confidence and ease. Combine with the unmatched solvent delivery of our UHPLC pumps and the rapid cycle times of our
which utilizes the sugar digestion system of yeast microorganisms, requires measuring and monitoring sugar components and amounts accurately for process design and quality control. Shim-pack™ SUR-Na, a ligand exchange chromatography column, offers excellent performance...
RT-25120 HPLC Column Assembly 5020-04071 INERTSIL C8-4 5UM 4.0X 30MM 638-94065 OM,MAG-107 E 228-22502-00 SUS316L1.6X0.5X200 638-64053-91 CD-ROM,TOC-V 2.00 RT-13423-112 Rxi-5ms Cap. Column 5020-17072 GUARD COLUMN 1.5X33MM INERTSIL C30 S-SELECT 5UM 222-09518 SERVICE MA...
25 16 0347 ProFill, 25mm HPLC 针筒过滤器, 天然色 PTFE, 孔径 0.45µm,1/包 RT-22866 Silcosteel-CR, Fitting 221-26255-92 OUTER FIXING PLATE ASSY 292-92050-02 TG-PHB-ALA 1G 5020-04316 INERTSIL SIL 100A-5 2.1X250MM SHO-F6700401 GPC K-G 4A 10MMx4.6MM ...
ForHPLCanalysis,itisoftennecessarytogenerateacalibrationcurvebyinjectingstandardsofseveralknownconcentrations andcomputingresponsefactorsbaseduponthelinearregressionofaplotofpeakarea(orheight)vsconcentration.Themore closelythevariousconcentrationsfallwithinastraightlinethemoreaccuratethecalculationwillbeofunknown concentrations....
The very good previous experiences with Shimadzu HPLC systems. Performance and cost/benefit. Excellent relationship with the Shimadzu do Brasil crew. What are the advantages and benefits of Shimadzu LC/MS? Full integrated platform (software/LC/MS). ...
conventionalHPLCandsemi-preparativeanalysis. 4 UFLCQuality. 5 LCMS-2020 LiquidChromatographMassSpectrometer UFsensitivity UFswitching UFscanning UltraFast Greaterspeed.Greatersensitivity.nsitivity. 6 Todetectbothpositiveandnegativeions,analysisisperformedwhileswitching betweenthepositiveandnegativeionizationmodes. TheLCM...
HPLC-017-Learn more in this application news about the High Throughput Method High Sensitivity Method When THCV is important, yet with good sample throughput – 48 samples per 8 hr. day. Quantitative for 11 cannabinoids (including THCV) in under 10 minutes. The method provides the sharpest...