Shimadzu LC–MS-9050 The LC–MS-9050 is a new floor-standing Q-TOF designed for accelerated drug discovery using a stable high-speed polarity switching system coupled with a high-resolution TOF-MS (with low-ppm mass accuracy). The MS is compatible with S...
tested to ensure superior performance. The enclosed Quality Assurance Report and chromatogram is specific to your column and contains important information such as the column serial number and the lot number of the packing material. Retain this information as it may prove invaluable in troubleshooting....
stresses hands-on training, practical experience, and professional education on the actual instrument to be read, as a supplement to books and articles. “You will learn far faster this way and spend less time troubleshooting problems and more time running samples, accurately, in less overall ...
Shimadzu Pump Routine Maintenance Procedures • Replace the seals and plungers (or pistons) • Replace the in-line filter cartridge • Replace the check valve cartridges • Replace the seal wash seals • Replace the solvent inlet frits Shimadzu Pump Routine Maintenance and Troubleshooting ...