外部播放此歌曲> Shi Shi - Poem (Explicit) 专辑:1 Versem' (Explicit) 歌手:Shi Shi 还没有歌词哦
英语字典:史(shi,)诗(shi,) “ 史诗 ”的英语翻译 词典解释 shi shi 1.an epic; an epic poem; a heroic poem; epic poetry; heroic poetry “ 史诗 ”的其它翻译 词典解释 (1)[中文词典] (2)[韩语词典] (3)[日语词典] (4)[俄语词典] ...
您在听的是由以汉语为母语的人的自然发音 英文翻译 您可以点击右上角对应国家的国旗来获取德文,法文和西班牙文翻译 poetry, poem, verse 汉字汉字(现代汉字即简体字),点击下方的小字看汉字的笔划顺序动画来学习怎样正确的书写汉字: speed: 2 诗( shi / shī ) 繁体字 ...
"Shi"拼音汉字如下:1.是(shì):用于表示肯定或确认,类似于英语中的is或am。例如,他是医生表示He is a doctor。2.事(shì):表示事情、事件、工作等的意思。例如,这是我的工作表示This is my job。3.市(shì):表示城市的意思。例如,北京市表示Beijing city。4.诗(shī):表示诗歌的意思。
词目:诗篇 拼音:shī pīan 基本解释 1. [poem]∶诗的总称 这些诗篇充满了革命激情 2. [epic]∶比喻类似史诗的事物 我们时代的壮丽诗篇 3. 也比喻富有意义的故事、文章等 光辉的诗篇 详细解释 1. 诗的总称。唐 杜甫 《江上值水如海势聊短述》诗:“老去诗篇浑漫与,春来花鸟莫深愁。” ...
Five years ago, poem writing opened up a whole new world for 42-year-old Cai Ping of Huangzhou, Hubei province. Once she realized the presence of the poetic feelings in her daily life, the drizzling rain was much more than just rain, it was a lyric melody and the night breeze could ...
6) poem form 诗歌样式 补充资料:《诗式》 《诗式》 中国诗论专著。撰者唐代诗僧皎然,俗姓谢,字清昼,南朝谢灵运十世孙,生卒年不详。活动于大历、贞元年间,有诗名。《诗式》为当时诗格一类作品中较有价值的一部。书中批判沈约“酷裁八病,碎用四声,故风雅殆尽”的声病说(《明四声》),崇尚谢灵运“真于情性...
The famous poem, "Red Cliff" was one of them. Su Shi’s talent was beyond poetry, as he was also a great prose writer. His article "On the Love of the Lotus "shows his love for the beauty of the flower. In addition, his collection of short stories, shows his humour and wisdom....
3000 My favourite poem of Su poems in his life. Shi is 8. Praising West Lake in the Eight Great Su Xun Three Sus Rain_. I think Su Shi is 9. Masters of the 6. 7. Su Zhe smart and very good at writing Tang and the Su Shi I can learn 10. many beautiful Others poems and ...
(xiaoxu 小序), the first poem has a Great Preface (Daxu 大序). The content of these prefaces is a moral or even political interpretation of songs that surfacially seem to be simple love songs. The characteristic of these songs is that the initial verse creates a certain mood, in most ...